This statement from servant moore , who made this claim publicly on August 6, 2019,
completely contradicts the recent Times Telegram story. But as always with the servants, there are many lies put forth on any given subject. As history on this show, dispite provided documents, of servants own actions, words, legally signed documents, they "insist that it is always someone else is the liar, untruthful, can't be trusted..." , the word "desperate" comes to mind (one of many) . These officials are desperate to hide the truth... and plenty of truth at that.
When the media post stories on Facebook, unless you are sign up and pay to read their digital format of news, the actually story is not available in full. Here is the complete article. Also according to recent minutes, no paving repairs will be accomplished this year, DPW will be using CHIP funds of an undisclosed of amount from no budget line of expenditure to purchase a plow. Gonna be a bumpy ride getting out of town.
There several things wrong concerning this issue with the stairs. Ones I have already provided, on a previous post, concern legally signed documents, finances, budget lines and the fact this grant for the stairs are a REIMBURSEMNT grant. You can go see all the documents at this post
I will be highlighting some of the legally signed documents here again, with further documents from recent minutes, the comptrollers office, (budget filed 2019), and links to other posts concerning the laws of Bids and contract, that this board fails grossly at following, and violate your rights to know (OML) and State laws.
Apparently servants have trouble reading and comprehension.
RFP's (Request for proposals) must be passed by resolution. Generally, RFP's are put out for bid about a month or minimum of 2 weeks prior to date of return.
According to the article the bids were discussed, and voted upon Sept. 11, 2019. 1) Law requires that all bids and contracts are to read into the minutes, and preformed be the public.
This was not done most recently regarding the bid for the Transmission line. Refer to blog :
But the minutes of July 24 2019 and of August 14 2019 no resolution voted on to place out bids. Remember that OML states that, and the village Clerk has been aware:
Mon 2/4/2019 4:19 PM Freeman, Robert J (DOS) <Robert.Freeman@dos.ny.go RE: agenda Document request
Ms. Macera:
As you may be aware, the Open Meetings Law was amended several years ago to deal with the kind of issue to which you referred.
Many complained that they attended meetings but could not follow the discussion by the board without the documentation in possession of board members. That resulted in a recommendation offered by this office several years in succession until legislation was finally passed in 2011 and effective in February 2012. That provision, section 103(e) of the Open Meetings Law, pertains to records scheduled to be discussed during an open meeting.
When a record scheduled to be discussed during an open meeting, and the record is available under the Freedom of Information Law or consists of a “proposed resolution, law, rule regulations, policy or any amendment thereto”, it must be made available “to the extent practicable” on request prior to or at the meeting during which the record will be discussed. Further, when an agency maintains a website, “such records shall be posted on the website to the extent practicable…prior to the meeting.”
In an effort to encourage better compliance with law, a copy of this response is being sent to Ms. Penny, Village Clerk.
I hope that I have been of assistance.
Bob Freeman
But there is the failure of not having a budget line containing the original $100, 000.00 that the Treasurer signed stating that the 2018-2019 budget
Servants moores comment placed to the public:
Servant moore does seem have a rather gross perverted obsession with stalking my every move, it is creepy and one that I written a declaration of concern with my attorney. A sealed copy will be filed with a judge. More importantly, in this country individuals are free to choose their own ways to volunteer, donate, or partake in social issues, free from any tyannistic rules or threats.
According to the 2019-2020 budget filed with the NYS Comptroller there still is no dedicated budget line to the stairs.
Also how the hell could any contractor actually see the damage of the stairs through servants mckinely's overgrown bush, intended to protect her non-historic useless unwanted stairs.