Even Baboons can learn ! But these liars and thieves just mock you, they will force you to spend money to get what is rightfully yours. Can you trust a board that maintains this attitude? NO Can you trust a board that has been known to make up meeting records, that do not match the the listing on on the Website. NO they will rake you over the coals every time, if you keep letting them.
And they continue violate your rights as tax payers! They just don't care! Special meetings have requirements, they are the same as any other meeting!
COOG opinion:
May First Posting on Website … NO LINK!! THIS IS THE HOME PAGE!
Today, May fourth … NO LINK!!! Clearly intentional, and limited to only who they choose to view!
What does the Courts fell about this?
Goetschius v. Board of Education of Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District, 244 AD2d 552, 664 NYS2d 811 (2nd Dept. 1997) ‑‑ Appellate Division holding of lower and found that annulment of certain actions and award of attorney's fees "was not an improvident exercise of discretion in view of persistent pattern of deliberate violations of the Open Meetings Law through insufficient notice, unreasonable starting times, improper convening of executive sessions, and improper exclusion of members of the public."
Lower court agreed with Committee's opinion that the Board through disciplinary actions relating to employment could not exclude petitioners as members of the public from its meetings.
Also found that Board "sought to manipulate notice requirements through cancellation and rescheduling of meetings to bring them within the ambit of Section 104(2) rather than rescheduling with only minimal delay for a date which would have required the more extensive notice required by Section 104(1)", found that notice was not posted in conspicuous public location, that meeting held at 7:30 a.m. effectively precluded many, including petitioners, from attending.
Goodson Todman Enterprises, Ltd. v. City of Kingston Common Council, 153 AD2d 103, 550 NYS2d 157 (3rd Dept. 1990) --- One meeting involved a committee of a city council, which gathered at a member's home informally; the court held that the gathering was a "meeting", for a quorum of the committee was present, "the meeting was not a casual encounter but, rather, a planned informal conference"; a second meeting was called by a person other than a member of the public body to brief a city official; again, the meeting was planned, a quorum was present, and, therefore, the gathering was a "meeting".
Olsen v. Loehr, Mayor of Yonkers, Supreme Court, Westchester County, March 31, 1982 --
If a reapportionment committee of the City of Yonkers held meetings during a particular time period, failure to have given notice in accordance with §99 and to have compiled minutes under §101 would constitute a "flagrant violation" of the Law and would be sufficient to declare legislation resulting from action taken by a committee valid.
Oneonta Star Division of Ottoway Newspapers, Inc. v. Board of Trustees of Oneonta School District, 66 AD2d 51, 412 NYS2d 927 (3rd Dept. 1979) --
Secret meeting of city council members and school board during which quorum of board was present constituted violation of the Open Meetings Law, executive session could be held to discuss sale of real property only when publicity would substantially affect the value of the property; joint meetings found to be subject to the Law.
Pissare v. City of Glens Falls, Supreme Court, Warren County, March 7, 1978 --
Advisory commission designated by the Mayor, as well as its component committees and subcommittees, were found to be public bodies subject to the Law; even though Commission and its committees were solely advisory, members had "power" greater than that of other citizens of the City to influence decisions and deliberations of Common Council; court cited Committee advisory opinion.
What other dangers are intentionally existing? Codes? Fire Safety? What is the Word on the water safety? Hidden by liars and thieves … Time to take action, speak write the village, FOIL documents, Write the Attorney General....ACT or sink into the sewer with the Rats, your property value is tanking daily....