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Interference with elections...perhaps the Village

Catherine M Macera

Has been compromised by the Russians again, like during the Leonard term when their "system was held for ransom " and the Leonard term paid the ransom but never sought any legal advice.

Not likely, it is most likely this term, hiding and denying information, fearing anyone that would try to run for one of the two Trustee seats being vacated by Servant Moore and Servant McKinely.

Once again this information is Part of the Village Clerks job and once again, she fails the people, very shameful. If you are not trained enough for you your job, get the training! Or frankly are not essential to the people that you serve, yes, you serve the the citizens of this village, and must do so with unbiased political party association.

Not just one Village Clerk, but one that also has her hands in our budget, one that has more then enough of experience and time served, but has not and is not doing her duty to Serve the People of this Village, you the taxpayer have paid and given benefits to this one for 20 plus years. Another non essential worker of this village , that should be removed and part of any Forensic Audit that is needed to be done here. Breach of contracts have been going on for years, many in violation of State Laws and placing not only the citizens lives in danger, but also some department workers at risk.

Liars and thieves are dangerous and even more dangerous when caught and trying to hide the truth.

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