Not to heaven, nor to a well of potable clean safe awful lot of time has been spent on these stairs, they were shut down in 2015... 2019 4 years later … nothing has changed. Not even having received the grant in 2017... just boggles the mind... the priorities of the village board. Stairs or save drinking water??? Drinking water for the residents or stairs?? Again the residents are very well aware of where our safety, the safety of our children our seniors....
• Stairs Update: All the information for round #2 was sent to the state for approval. The goal is to get the $100,000 and get the stairs completed. VB MINUTES FEB. 14, 2018
Dec 3 , 2018 Times Telegram:
Local resident Bill Richards volunteered to repair the stairs and a volunteer group began cleaning up the site and raising funds for the project. When McKinley heard there was funding available through James Seward's office, the village decided to request a grant. The volunteer group lost its engineer at that point due to a potential conflict of interest if state funds were involved and the group returned all funds to the donors.
McKinely said she and Thompson worked to secure the grant funding, but faced criticisms from some.
Those stairs were never properly maintained, failure once again by the servants of the people.
Boo hoo, the people have been awaiting years for safe drinking water....
B&L Jan. 18, 2018
May 2018 B&L Assessment Report, as always professionally presented, based on the information provided to them...
Revenue and Proceed of Debts.
No lines are dedicated separately to "the stairs" , but according to minutes lots of manipulation to budget, and contracts.
None of these documents of concern here, where ever provided by the Village Clerk, via Agenda Documents.
The stairs look as bad as they did before they were closed....shamefully embarrassing, signs of fraudulent actions....when will it be enough, to say stop wasting OUR money. Remember this is a reimbursement grant, have to have the funds and spend those funds, before any reimbursement.