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Dr. Sewer Rat threatens a citizen twice....

Catherine M Macera

Dr. Sewer Rat Lesser, Village of Ilion Public Servant, did just so in writing and verbally and is strongly supported with Servant Lameca (now going by "Mayor B" hmmm? B= Buffon, Beavis or Butthead, Bully , the list could be never ending!!) . This would include Servant Mooreon, nothing new here, insignificant for 13 years, Schoonmaker remained silent just as he does at all meetings, offering nothing, but a guaranteed, yes man vote bought and paid for. And of course, McKinely, that has FAILED FOR 6 years, in getting the steps to her over grown bush, fixed, after shaming citizens that were willing to step up and add a POSITIVE solution to fix those stairs. WE Are Still Waiting!!!!

Give a listen for yourself. More stuttering lies, and false information, from Dr. Sewer Rat Lesser. Once again, these servants are blameless, it is always someone else's fault. An interesting statement put forth by Sewer Rat, "Mr. Freeman told them that foiling was also a form of harassment. That same line was used by Lameca Buffon, against me!!! no actual proof was ever provided of this statement, same with, when the said they spoke with Attorney Rose made some statement during a meeting, never put forth. Also when they used NYCOM. All blowhards, never proof!


Received today:

From: <> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:11 AM To: David Murray <> Subject: RE: OML Good Morning Mr. Murray, As we have previously advised, the Committee on Open Government is authorized to provide advice and opinions regarding the Freedom of Information Law and the Open Meetings Law. Neither the Committee, nor its staff, is authorized to investigate complaints or to compel an agency or public body to take certain actions. The Committee cannot determine whether a violation of the law has occurred. Enforcement of the Open Meetings Law is via the initiation of a Civil Practice Law and Rules Article 78 proceeding in State Supreme Court and only those courts can determine whether a violation of the law has occurred. I am not aware of any standing recommendation made by Mr. Freeman or any other staff of the Committee to ignore Freedom of Information Law requests from any member of the public. Kristin O’Neill From: David Murray <> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 9:09 AM To: <> Subject: Re: OML ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Thank you for your response. On a separate issue, but dealing directly with the COOG, Mr. Lester has made public comments( audio/ radio interviews) that COOG under the direction of then Robert Freeman, instructed the Village to ignore any and all FOIL or open meeting inquires, from myself. Mr. Lester states that the FOILS themselves are a form of harassment, put an undo burden on the Local government in time and expense, and are unnecessary as this information is available in other forms not requiring FOIL. My concerns and questions to you are, Are you aware of any such standing recommendation made by Mr. Freeman and or COOG to ignore my or any other citizens FOILS and or access to public information regarding the Village of Ilion? I have never received any correspondences from the Village and or COOG regarding my inquires as being obsessive , or a form of harassment. the Village practice is to not even acknowledge Foil requests of request for Information pertaining to OML. This act is arbitrary and capricious and as such, the village should cease such actions. I would ask for and appreciate any information you may have regarding, answering my questions and inquiry, and if the Village in your opinion is in violation of any OML laws that they be so informed and contacted. Once again I thank you for your assistance and assuring that OML is followed by local governments and officials and public information made available to all. Sincerely, David Murray Ilion, NY



Dr. Sewer Rat, must be removed or resign immediately! But we all know that the remaining servants already support this rat, and will NEVER PROTECT THE PEOPLE.

Follow the chain of written communications

Sorry Dr. Sewer Rat lesser, I was wrong about you, you couldn't even be worthy of being over-sized boil on a sewer rats ass. You need to be lanced and debrided, bend over for Mckinely, with her medical expertise, it would be very easy for her to preform that duty, cause she certainly has offered nothing to this village, just another "look at me " I am a hero self worshipper. Amazing, one would think she used these medical knowledge to understand the effects of the poor water reports, oh that's right the morons in that department never provide such records. Especially after you were fired for the Wisebecker damage you caused, because you were playing hockey in Rome, and failed to be around and, on-call duty! That is called a of breach contract!

Next up: Servant Lameca Buffon, four years on the MUB Board and couldn't even command regular meetings once a month, also no knowledge of water or electric, was barely a decent officer in IPD.

After that Servant Mooron, another useless, waste of space at the board, cried like a baby after being rejected by Stepehens for not being appointed to Mayor over Neale. Tells people that Neale "hates me" and excludes here from important meetings! BooHoo, yet never have run for mayor seat.

And Servant "I don't know what an reimbursement grant" is Mcinkely. As the people know nothing about you or what you do outside of board, cause you certainly, have not made any significant improvements for the peoples in any positive ways. How the hell would any know that you were not there for your specified reason?? Review the lamest minutes, not one of fellow servants, informed the public, that you allegedly reached to inform any one. Your fellow servants failed you, not Mr. Murray, OR ANYONE ELSE. Thank goodness you and Mooron are finally doing the best service to the people you could do, stepping down.

There is no access to this claimed "power point" presentation. People remain uninformed and denied. WOW, A whole 15 minutes spent on the budget hearing!! Damn could they spare the time, I mean at least put the effort in too at least APPEAR you are offering any truth.

Remember this post? If not I suggest you review it! And a few others of history:

Budget Concerns over the the past year:

BTW, to the servants of Ilion, this is called freedom of Speech and it is protected by the US Constitution, unlike your threats and supporting comments etc. Which is not covered under Freedom of Speech. So don 't you, get your sewer Rat boil infested ass in a twist. Time for all of you to be removed from this Village and face criminal and civil actions. And be replaced with a State Representative, because the County is not worthy .

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