Apathy is a term tossed around when discussing voter disinterest and or lack of citizen involvement in social, personal or political issues.
The term has many definitions ranging from lack of feeling, disinterest, or a feeling of powerlessness. What are the causes and is there anything that can be done to erase these feelings? How does one develop a lack of feeling or disinterests?
Many psychologist believe direct causes could be drug abuse, bereavement, or other physical and, emotional, or mental disorders. Feeling of powerlessness, specific to political or social change, can be a result of past history of failures, perceived inadequacies, and or previously ridiculed, downtrodden, or otherwise a sense of non-inclusiveness.
Willingly or unwillingly local political parties and individual elected officials have been utilizing this psychological warfare for years, for either personal, party, or political gains. Many people continue to allow themselves to be played, manipulated and or intimidated by elected and / or government officials in fear of reprisals, ridicule, or other forms of perceived or real intimidation and threats. What can we as individuals and collectively do to stop this behavior and regain control of Our Government for, of, and by ALL the people!
#1 Realize one person can and does make a difference
#2 Realize and understand Government is Established by the consent of the governed
#3 The Right to petition and present grievances
These are three basic rights and understanding; by visiting this
we can understand more how each one of us and collectively can make a differences to improve our government services, regain control over Tyranny and regain our inalienable rights of life , liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, held hostage by self serving elected officials.
David Murray
We can make a difference We must make of difference. We are EXACTLY like Flint MI