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True Collaboration in the interest of the People

Catherine M Macera

MVWA and Village of Ilion, Partners not Customers: True Collaboration in the interest of the People

If, and when, the Village of Ilion elects to be served by the MVWA, a special District must be requested by the Village, voted by referendum submitted to DEC and DOH for approval. Upon approval The MVWA enabling legislation should be modified to now include the Village, and all provisions and benefits allotted to current Municipalities of the MVWA service, so also allotted to the Village of Ilion. This is the current " Bible" in which the MVWA and its 18 municipalities work and operate. the Residents of the Village of Ilion and potentially Frankfort, Town of Herkimer, and Village of Herkimer must demand full partnership and not just customer status.

These provisions and benefits first and foremost establish that the new district the Village of Ilion should have representation on the MVWA board of finances and directors


The village/ formed district can open negotiations with the authority for selling of assets, the acquisition of property, and or any payments reimbursements of mutual benefit to the Authority. Indebtedness, including unpaid bonds is to be discussed and negotiated for ownership and payment of balance and interest.

These are just two of the many steps that may and should be necessary in moving forward. Ilion must seek full membership into the authority and become a partner and not just a customer. Can we expect our County Representatives and Village officials to be up to the task? things are moving very rapidly, with capital improvements, distribution upgrades etc., things should slow down just a bit to determine and negotiate who is responsible for inherent costs of these improvements. The Transmission lines from Well to treatment plant and from west Schuyler to the village, replacement of lead services, replacement/ upgrades of meters, improvement to water tanks etc., MVWA needs in my opinion to have more skin in the game and offer financial assistance, and is obligated to do so under its own enabling status as approved by the NYS Assembly into law.

The town of Frankfort realizes this and has already requested financial assistance from the MWA in the construction of a water tower with mutual benefit to the Town and All MVWA customers, Schuyler seeking the same, Village of Ilion? Doubt it has even entered the thought process of local officials. WE the people the ones who are ultimately paying the rates, bonds, interests on loans etc., must demand that our Village officials look out for their resident best interests in moving forward first.

Just as Engineers are a vital part of making this process and transition a reality so are legal firms. this in essence is sale of public property or he disbanding thereof and the legal contractual agreement with an existing State Recognized authority. Our five elected officials cannot do it alone and need the financial backing of the county to hire a legal firm to handle the legal transition, and not just let Big brother MVWA dictate terms.

MVWA Statute

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