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Catherine M Macera

Saratoga Public Officials understand their duty, they know the laws they are obligated to follow, but most important they respect the people of their community. Never seen these words at Ilion Website , do you? Supporting Documents...

When you visit the website it is beautifully presented, easy to get around and informative … everything new business and visitors look for.

I encourage you to check our Saratoga Springs website, and really check it out. This website shows the commitment Saratoga Springs Public Officials have for & to the people they represent.

I have added a copy of recent minutes, they were posted in draft form at the time on

the site, so note two things todays date: June 14, 2019, the next Council meeting is June 18, 2019 and note the impressive amount of detail provided.

PUBLIC OFFICERS LAW, ARTICLE 7 §106. Minutes. 1. Minutes shall be taken at all open meetings of a public body which shall consist of a record or summary of all motions, proposals, resolutions and any other matter formally voted upon and the vote thereon. 2. Minutes shall be taken at executive sessions of any action that is taken by formal vote which shall consist of a record or summary of the final determination of such action, and the date and vote thereon; provided, however, that such summary need not include any matter which is not required to be made public by the freedom of information law as added by article six of this chapter. 3. Minutes of meetings of all public bodies shall be available to the public in accordance with the provisions of the freedom of information law within two weeks from the date of such meeting except that minutes taken pursuant to subdivision two hereof shall be available to the public within one week from the date of the executive session.

June 4, 2019

CITY OF SARATOGA SPRINGS City Council Meeting Recreation Center 15 Vanderbilt Avenue

7:00 PM





PRESENTATIONS(S) 1. Bikers Against Child Abuse


. Approval of 5/20/19 Pre-Agenda Meeting Minutes

2. Approval of 5/21/19 City Council Meeting Minutes

3. Approve Budget Amendments – Regular (Increases)

4. Approve Budget Transfers – Regular

5. Approve Payroll 05/24/19 $498,612.62

6. Approve Payroll 05/31/19 $530,922.44

7. Approve Warrant – 2019 19MWMAY4 $16,587.56

8. Approve Warrant – 2019 19JUN1 $1,259,107.24

9. Approval to Pay Invoice #18-23159-F-A in the Amount of $10,060.00 to Alpine Environmental Services, Inc. for Additional Asbestos Analysis of City Hall

10. Approval to Pay invoice #18-23159G-A in the Amount of $10,653.00 to Alpine Environmental Services for Asbestos Air Sampling in City Hall


1. Discussion and Vote: Appointment – Downtown Special Assessment District (SAD)

2. Announcement: Deadline for Comments on the Uniform Development Ordinance Technical Report – June 5, 2019

3. Announcement: June 18, 2019 City Council Meeting REVISED Start Time – 6:00 p.m.


1. Announcement: The Community Collects Event

2. Award of Bid: Chemicals – Sodium Hypochlorite and Orthophosphate to Surpass Chemical Company, Inc.

3. Award of Bid: Chemicals – Polyaluminum Chloride to Holland Company

4. Award of Bid: Chemicals - Copper Sulfate to Faesy and Besthoff, LLC

5. Award of Bid: Chemicals – Hydrofluocilicic Acid and Sodiumsilico Fluoride to Amrex Chemical Co., Inc.

6. Discussion: Update on Grievance Day of May 28, 2019


1. Discussion: Regarding the City’s Collection of Delinquent Taxes and Foreclosure Process

2. Announcement: Career Jam at the Saratoga Springs City Center on October 22, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

3. Announcement: Population Health Innovation Summit at the Albany Capital Center on June 12, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

4. Discussion and Vote: Resolution for Non-Union Full Time Personnel

5. Discussion and Vote: Budget Amendment – Use of Assigned Fund Balance Knowledge Training

6. Discussion and Vote: Budget Amendment - Payroll

7. Discussion and Vote: Budget Transfer – Contingency

8. Discussion and Vote: Budget Transfers – Payroll and Benefits


1. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order #5 with Aktor Corporation for Additional Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Police Department Sub-basement

2. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order #6 with Aktor Corporation for Additional Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Music Hall

3. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Barton & Loguidice for Continued Engineering Services of Niagara Mohawk Superfund Site at Red Spring

4. Announcement: Week of June 3rd Paving Schedule

5. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Amrex Chemical Company, Inc. in the Amount of $15,900 for Hydrofluosilicic Acid and Sodiumsilico Fluoride Chemicals for Water Treatment Plant

Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Faesy & Besthoff, LLC. In the Amount of $5,370.00 for Copper Sulfate Chemicals for the Water Treatment Plant 7. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Holland Company, Inc. in the Amount of $60,637.50 for Polyaluminum Chloride Chemicals for Water Treatment Plant

8. Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Surpass Chemical Company, Inc. in the Amount of $57,590.00 for Sodium Hypochlorite and Orthophosphate Chemicals for Water Treatment Plant


1. Announcement: Designation of Acting Chief of Police

2. Announcement: Union Avenue Pedestrian Improvement Project


Matt Veitch

1. June 18th City Council Meeting

2. Saratoga County Landfill Local Funding

Tara Gaston

1. June Schedule

2. Veterans Service Agency Event

3. Year of the Senior Event


Meg Kelly, Mayor

Michele Madigan, Commissioner of Finance

John Franck, Commissioner of Accounts

Anthony Scirocco, Commissioner of DPW

Peter Martin, Commissioner of DPS


Lisa Shields, Deputy Mayor

Mike Sharp, Deputy Commissioner, Finance

Joe O’Neill, Deputy Commissioner, DPW

John Daley, Deputy Commissioner, DPS

Vincent DeLeonardis

Matthew Veitch, Supervisor

Tara Gaston, Supervisor

EXCUSED: Maire Masterson, Deputy Commissioner, Accounts


The proceedings of this meeting were taped for the benefit of the secretary. Because the minutes are not a verbatim record of the proceedings, the minutes are not a word-for-word transcript.


Liberty Affordable Housing

Mayor Kelly opened the public hearing at 6:55 p.m.

Commissioner Franck stated they will hold this open until a vote which will be in late June or early July.

Darlene McGraw of Saratoga Springs stated it is not safe as people speed on Jefferson Street. We need to look into the traffic situation if this project is going to happen.

Mayor Kelly concluded the public hearing at 6:56 p.m. and left it open.


Mayor Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Mayor Kelly said the public comment period is limited to a total of 15 minutes and individuals are limited to two minutes.

Mayor Kelly opened the public comment period at 7:01 p.m.

Kevin Ronayne, Vice President of Saratoga Hospital is here to address the alternate locations the public has been promoting for their medical office center. They are not able to build on top of the hospital; which space is already planned for future inpatient expansion and for services which can only be performed within the walls of the hospital. Building on top of the 2 single story buildings on the west side of Myrtle Street was also suggested but the hospital doesn’t own those buildings. They are not able to go taller on the 2 story building they do own as it will disrupt the main flight path of the helipad. The hospital believes Morgan Street is the best location.

Dennis Holte of Collins Terrace stated the hospital wants to destroy a neighborhood. They can build just north of their parking lot. Why not put the housing units on Morgan Street and put the 88,000 square foot building on Myrtle Street? There were interviews by Angelo Calbone, president of Saratoga Hospital, where he is looking to revisit their parking lots on Myrtle Street.

Karen Milday of 14 Brookview Terrace stated Saratoga Hospital is investing in new technology and attracting the best physicians in all specialties. Saratoga Hospital recently ranked 156 in the country. Some people are distorting the facts. The hospital deserves your support.

Darlene McGraw of Saratoga Springs stated the fire hydrants need to be clearly marked. Complete streets is not an option but a requirement. We need to stop people speeding up and down Jefferson Street.

Diane Bartos of Clifton Park and employee of Saratoga Hospital stated she is the director if ICU. Their brand new ICU has been recognized across the country and has been visited by many across the country to see how the ICU has been designed. Real life work happens at the hospital and sees the results of all types of physicians working together every day.

Mayor Kelly closed the public comment period at 7:11 p.m.


Bikers Against Child Abuse

Commissioner Martin introduced members of Bikers Against Child Abuse. The abused children are paired with mentors who work with the children.

Faro, member of BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) explained the mission of BACA and what the members do to support kids so they don’t live in fear. They work in conjunction with local and state officials who are already in place to protect children. The child abuse must be reported to the police or child protective services and the child must be in fear in order for a child to be accepted into BACA. They are a 501(c) (3) organization and all members are volunteers; there are no paid members. Each member goes through fingerprinting. BACA is an international organization – in 48 states in the US and 10 countries around the world.


Mayor Kelly moved and Commissioner Madigan seconded to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1. Approval of 5/20/19 Pre-Agenda Meeting Minutes

2. Approval of 5/21/19 City Council Meeting Minutes

3. Approve Budget Amendments – Regular (Increases)

4. Approve Budget Transfers – Regular

5. Approve Payroll 05/24/19 $498,612.62

6. Approve Payroll 05/31/19 $530,922.44

7. Approve Warrant – 2019 19MWMAY4 $16,587.56

8. Approve Warrant – 2019 19JUN1 $1,259,107.24

9. Approval to Pay Invoice #18-23159-F-A in the Amount of $10,060.00 to Alpine Environmental Services, Inc. for Additional Asbestos Analysis of City Hall

10. Approval to Pay invoice #18-23159G-A in the Amount of $10,653.00 to Alpine Environmental Services for Asbestos Air Sampling in City Hall

Ayes – All


Discussion and Vote: Appointment – Downtown Special Assessment District (SAD) (19-229)

Mayor Kelly recommended appointing Dean Kolligian to the Downtown Special Assessment District. His term will be from 8/1/19 through 7/31/23.

Mayor Kelly moved and Commissioner Madigan seconded to approve Dean Kolligian for the Downtown Special Assessment Board.

Ayes – All

Announcement: Deadline for Comments on the Uniform Development Ordinance Technical Report – June 5, 2019

Mayor Kelly announced the deadline for submission of comments regarding the Uniform Development Ordinance Technical Report is tomorrow, June 5th. She reviewed the tasks associated with the UDO project.

Announcement: June 18, 2019 City Council Meeting REVISED Start Time – 6:00 p.m.

Mayor Kelly announced the City Council meeting of June 18th will start at 6 p.m. rather than the normal 7 p.m. start time.


Announcement: The Community Collects Event

Commissioner Franck announced that on Tuesday, June 18th at 7 p.m., James Parillo, Director of the Saratoga Springs History Museum will be heading up a panel discussion regarding items/information collected by various organizations. The panel will include representatives from the Saratoga Springs History Museum; the Preservation Foundation; the Saratoga Room of the Public Library; the Saratoga County Historian; the City of Saratoga Springs Historian; and Nancy Wagner, our Records Retention Coordinator. Each panelist will explain what their organization does as well as what information/items they do or don’t collect. This event will be held at the Canfield Casino and is open to the public.

Award of Bid: Chemicals – Sodium Hypochlorite and Orthophosphate to Surpass Chemical Company, Inc. (19-230)

Commissioner Franck moved and Commissioner Scirocco seconded to award the bid for Chemicals – Sodium Hypochlorite and Orthophosphate to Surpass Chemical Company, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $57,590.00.

Ayes – All

Award of Bid: Chemicals – Polyaluminum Chloride to Holland Company (19-231)

Commissioner Franck moved and Commissioner Scirocco seconded to award the bid for Chemicals – Polyaluminum Chloride to Holland Company in the amount not to exceed $60,637.50.

Ayes – All

Award of Bid: Chemicals – Copper Sulfate to Faesy and Besthoff, LLC (19-232)

Commissioner Franck moved and Commissioner Scirocco seconded to award the bid for Chemicals – Copper Sulfate to Faesy and Besthoff, LLC in the amount not to exceed $5,370.00.

Ayes – All

Award of Bid: Chemicals – Hydrofluocilicic Acid and Sodiumsilico Fluoride to Amrex Chemical Co., Inc. (19-233)

Commissioner Franck moved and Commissioner Scirocco seconded to award the bid for Chemicals – Hydrofluosilicic Acid and Sodiumsilico Fluoride to Amrex Chemical Co., Inc. in the amount not to exceed $15,900.00.

Ayes – All

Discussion: Update on Grievance Day of May 28, 2019

Commissioner Franck announced Grievance Day was held on May 28, 2019. It was another successful year with only 43 taxpayers grieving their assessment. I would like to thank Camille Daniels, Dave Morency, Sheila Sperling, Joe Ribis, and Jim Martinez for volunteering their time on the Board of Assessment Review.

Commissioner Franck advised he needed to an item to his agenda.

Commissioner Franck moved and Commissioner Martin seconded to add an item to his agenda for regarding contract with Constellation for additional electric accounts. (19-247)

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Contract with Constellation Energy for Additional Electric Accounts (19-234)

Commissioner Franck advised the contract distributed earlier today is for additional electric accounts that were accidentally omitted from the contract previously approved and signed by the mayor on May 21st.

Commissioner Franck moved and Commissioner Scirocco seconded to authorize the mayor to sign the updated contract with Constellation Energy for additional electric accounts as previously distributed.

Ayes - All


Discussion: Regarding the City’s Collection of Delinquent Taxes and Foreclosure Process

Commissioner Madigan stated she has seen over the past several days discussions on social media about how the City manages overdue tax payments. The City Charter, Section 4.1 outlines the process the City takes on collection of taxes and foreclosure procedures. Commissioner Madigan reviewed that section of the City Charter and the process the City takes. The City went through an in-rem process in 2012. Foreclosure is a last effort; every reasonable opportunity must be given to a taxpayer to take care of their obligation.

Vince DeLeonardis, city attorney, stated the City is reluctant to take property via foreclosure and uses it only as a last resort.

Announcement: Career Jam at the Saratoga Springs City Center on October 22, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Commissioner Madigan announced Career Jam will be held this year at the Saratoga Springs City Center on October 22nd from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This is the first year it is being hosted in the City. This event targets 8th and 9th grade students throughout the area.

Ryan Van Amburgh of Saratoga Economic Development Corporation stated the purpose is to expose 8th and 9th grade students to all career opportunities that are available in our region. They want to expose the students before they have to select a career path.

Announcement: Population Health Innovation Summit at the Albany Capital Center on June 12, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Commissioner Madigan announced the Population Health Innovation Summit will be held at the Albany Capital Center on June 12th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is the third summit and is co-sponsored by NYSTEC, Innovate 518, City of Schenectady and the City of Saratoga Springs. The summit is free and open to the public.

Discussion and Vote: Resolution for Non-Union Full Time Personnel (19-235)

Commissioner Madigan moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to approve the resolution for non-union full time personnel as distributed with the agenda.

Ayes - All

The resolution is as follows:

RESOLUTION FOR NON-UNION FULL TIME EMPLOYEES Amended June 4, 2019 It is the intent of this resolution to establish changes in compensation and fringe benefits for the following non-union full time employees of the City of Saratoga Springs. Employees and personnel subject to this resolution shall be each hereinafter referred to as "EMPLOYEE", and include:

Executive Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Public Works Executive Assistant to the Mayor Deputy Commissioner of Accounts Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Deputy Commissioner of Finance Public Works Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Deputy Mayor Public Safety Human Resources Specialist Human Resources Administrator Civil Service Coordinator Director of Risk and Safety City Attorney Communications Manager

This resolution shall supersede all prior resolutions affecting compensation and benefits for said EMPLOYEEs. This resolution shall only be effective for stated EMPLOYEEs in service as of the date of the resolution adoption and those in service subsequent to the date of adoption, and specifically shall not apply to EMPLOYEEs who have retired, or left office, prior to date of adoption.

Nothing in this resolution shall be construed to create an employment agreement nor alter the "at-will" status of the Executive Assistant to the Mayor, the Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Works, the Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Safety, Deputy Commissioner of Public Works, Deputy Commissioner of Accounts, Deputy Commissioner of Finance, Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety, Deputy Mayor, and the Human Resources Administrator.


A. The terms of this resolution shall take place on January 1, 2007, and shall include such further terms as added by Resolutions dated July 19, 2011, January 15, 2013, August 6, 2013, December 17, 2013, August 5, 2014, September 16, 2014, November 18, 2014, January 19, 2016, June 21, 2016, August 2, 2016, November 15, 2016, February 21, 2017, March 20, 2018 and May 1, 2018.

B. Effective January 1, 2018, the title of Secretary for the Civil Service Commission shall be changed to Civil Service Coordinator and shall have a total annual base salary of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The total compensation for the Civil Service Coordinator will remain at Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) for 2018 and resume any increases in 2019 according to the current CSEA City Hall Bargaining Unit contract.

C. Effective March 25, 2019, the Human Resources Administrator’s annual base salary shall be One Hundred Ten Thousand dollars ($110,000.00). Effective January 1, 2020, the Human Resources Administrator’s annual base salary shall be One Hundred Fifteen Thousand dollars ($115,000.00).

D. The EMPLOYEEs shall not be entitled to overtime compensation, except as may be required by federal law.

E. Effective January 1, 2018, the EMPLOYEEs standard workweek shall be 40 hours per week,

F. The salary of the Executive Assistant, Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Safety shall be the same as the Executive Assistant to the Mayor. Effective December 1, 2016 the total annual base salary of each aforementioned Executive Assistant shall be Forty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Four Dollars ($47,504.00).

G. The addition of the City Attorney to this Resolution shall supersede all prior resolutions, contracts, and Council actions affecting terms, compensation, and benefits for the City Attorney including the November 15, 2016 Resolution previously approved by City Council. The annual base salary for the City Attorney shall be One Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00) to take effect on April 9, 2018.

H. Effective June 4, 2019, the Communications Manager annual base salary shall be Sixty Eight Thousand dollars ($68,000.00). I. Effective June 4, 2019, the Human Resources Specialist annual base salary shall be Forty Eight Thousand dollars ($48,000.00).

J. The EMPLOYEEs shall enjoy and be entitled to the following benefits: 1. Vacation: An EMPLOYEE shall earn annual vacation as follows: ten (10) working days during their first year of service, and during each of the next four (4) years of service; fifteen (15) working days upon completion of five (5) years of service; twenty (20) working days upon completion of ten (10) years of service; twenty five (25) working days upon completion of fifteen (15) years of service and thirty (30) working days upon completion of twenty (20) years of service. For each EMPLOYEE hired after January 1,2006, a proration of the ten (10) days will be granted during the first year of service. Vacations for the EMPLOYEE shall be scheduled and approved by their respective Council member.

Vacation must be taken by December 31st of the year vacation was earned, or else the time shall be forfeited. If the EMPLOYEE retires, resigns, or is not reappointed, the EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to payment for only those vacation days earned and unused for the period between the EMPLOYEE's last anniversary date and the date of retirement, resignation or other termination.

If a recognized City Hall holiday falls within the vacation period, the vacation period shall be extended by the holiday falling within such periods.

If an EMPLOYEE should die during his or her employment, all vacation time earned and unused for the period between the EMPLOYEE's last anniversary date and the date of death, shall be paid in cash or as EMPLOYEE's death benefit to his/her designated beneficiary or estate.

2. Sick Leave: The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to sick leave with pay for a maximum of twelve (12) working days per year. The EMPLOYEE may accumulate sick leave, but may not use more than one hundred fifty (150) days in any given twelve (12) month period. EMPLOYEE shall use sick leave in no less than one (1) hour increments. Each EMPLOYEE hired after January 1st shall be granted a proration of the twelve (12) days allotted during the first year of service. If an EMPLOYEE is absent because of illness or disability for more than three (3) consecutive days, they may be required by their Commissioner/Mayor to provide a physician's statement of sickness or disability

Prior to any cash payments for unused sick leave, an EMPLOYEE who terminates his/her service prior to December 31st shall be granted a proration of the twelve (12) days allotted.

Their Commissioner on an annual basis must maintain an EMPLOYEE's records of sick time with a copy submitted to the Commissioner of Finance for each EMPLOYEE's payroll folder.

Cash payments will be made for accumulated unused sick leave remaining in the EMPLOYEE's individual account at termination of employment or upon death of EMPLOYEE while in the employ of the City upon the following basis: Twenty-five percent (25%) of accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of two hundred (200) days (cash payment of fifty (50) days). Cash payments upon death of EMPLOYEE while in the employ of the City shall be paid to the EMPLOYEE's beneficiary or estate.

3. Personal Days: The EMPLOYEE who works forty (40) hours per week shall be granted six (6) personal days per year. Each personal day make be taken at either a full day, one half (1/2) day, or at a minimum of two (2) hour increments at a time. Such leave shall be requested in writing at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the requested time. The six (6) personal days shall be granted for the year on January 1st. Each EMPLOYEE hired after January 1st shall be granted a proration of the six (6) days allotted, however, if the EMPLOYEE does not complete the entire year, the pro-rated equivalent rate of pay shall be subtracted from any monies due to the EMPLOYEE. Personal days not used in any calendar year shall be credited to accumulated sick leave.

4. Holidays: The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to twelve (12) paid Holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and Election Day at the November General Election.

5. Bereavement: The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to three (3) consecutive workdays off per death in their immediate family. Immediate family shall be defined as mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, spouse, grandparent(s), grandchild, step parent, step child, aunt, uncle or other persons living in the household of the EMPLOYEE.

6. Retirement: The EMPLOYEE shall be covered by the New York State EMPLOYEE's Retirement System known as 75i of the New York State Retirement Law.

7. Health: For EMPLOYEEs hired prior to January 1, 2007, the EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to participate in the MVP25 health insurance plans offered by the City to the various bargaining units, at no cost to the EMPLOYEE. The City shall provide the plans to the EMPLOYEE, their dependents, and retired EMPLOYEEs and their dependents at the City's own expense. For EMPLOYEEs hired after January 1, 2007, the EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to participate in the MVP25 health insurance plans offered by the City to the various bargaining units, at a cost to the EMPLOYEE, of ten percent (10%) of the total cost of his or her health insurance plan not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) per year. The City shall provide the plans to the EMPLOYEE, their dependents, and retired EMPLOYEEs and their dependents.

For all Medicare eligible retirees residing within the geographic network served by MVP, the City shall offer the MVP Medicare Advantage Preferred Gold as the sole plan. For all Medicare eligible retirees residing outside the geographic network served by MVP, the City shall offer the MVP Preferred PPO Plan as the sole plan. For all retirees not eligible for Medicare residing within the geographic network served by MVP, the City will offer the MVP Co-Plan 25 HMO as the sole plan. For all retirees not eligible for Medicare residing outside the geographic network served by MVP, the City will offer the MVP Preferred PPO Plan as the sole plan. The City shall provide these plans to the retired EMPLOYEEs and their dependents.

In the event that federal or state legislation, rules and/or regulations issued in relation to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("PPACA"), the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 ("HCERA") and/or any other legislation, rule or regulation:

a) impact in any way the health insurance plans, costs or benefits provided for in this Resolution (including but not limited to contractual benefits such as health insurance buy-outs or stipends); or b) raise a question as to whether the health insurance benefits provided for herein meet certain standards contained in such legislation, rules and/or regulations (including, but not limited to, compliance with legislation, rules, regulations, or any legislation, rules, or regulations which may cause the City to be charged any penalty, or those that govern whether plan benefits meet the "minimum essential benefits" standard or a similar standard, whether the City premium contribution levels are adequate and/or meet legal requirements, or whether the individual household affordability standard is satisfied); or c) permit an individual or group of individuals to receive benefits, subsidies, or credits through a health insurance exchange program (or any other government subsidy or benefit provided pursuant to the PPACA, HCERA, or any state or federal regulations or rules implementing health insurance reform laws).

The City may immediately implement changes as necessary to comply with federal and/or state laws, rules, and regulations and/or to avoid or eliminate penalties, potential penalties, or taxes. Such changes may include, among others, modifications for individual EMPLOYEEs, including modification to individual or group coverage, benefits, contributions or wages, to the extent necessary to comply with federal and/or state laws, rules, and regulations and/or to avoid or eliminate penalties, potential penalties, taxes, or cessation of payments toward the cost of benefit(s) if such benefit(s) are not compliant with the PACA/HCERA or if such compliance would cause the City penalty or cost associated with avoidance of penalty.

The City shall provide such medical coverage for the widow or widower of the EMPLOYEE or retired EMPLOYEE in this resolution until the widow or widower's death or remarriage whichever occurs sooner. Children shall be covered until age nineteen (19) or as stipulated in the appropriate health care contract or otherwise as may be required by law.

"Retirees" shall be defined as full time EMPLOYEEs who have served the City of Saratoga Springs for at least twenty (20) consecutive years and retire from the New York State Employee's Retirement System Section 75i of the New York State Retirement Law and were serving as full time EMPLOYEEs of the City of Saratoga Springs at the time of retirement.

An EMPLOYEE may elect not to participate in a plan of medical and health insurance benefits provided under this agreement and such EMPLOYEE shall be eligible to receive a payment of Twenty Two Hundred Dollars ($2,200.00) for single coverage, Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for two (2) person coverage or Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for family coverage per calendar year. No EMPLOYEE shall be eligible to receive such payment unless the EMPLOYEE shall have provided proof to the Finance Office that such EMPLOYEE and such EMPLOYEEs eligible dependents are covered by a comparable plan of medical and health insurance benefits for the entire year that such EMPLOYEE elected not to be covered by a plan provided by the Employer. Payments shall be made on December 15th of each year. The parties understand that participation in a plan of medical and health insurance benefits is mandatory. An election not to be covered shall be made on or about December 15th of each year to the Principal Account Clerk in the Finance Office in charge of City provided benefits pursuant to the regulations of the plan in effect together with evidence of coverage of such EMPLOYEE and such EMPLOYEE's eligible dependents under a comparable plan of medical and health insurance benefits. Such EMPLOYEE must promptly notify the Employer of termination of alternative medical and health insurance benefit coverage. In the event that an EMPLOYEE reenrolls in a health insurance program, the EMPLOYEE shall be permitted to a prorated portion of the Twenty Two Hundred Dollars ($2,200.00) for single coverage, Twenty Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) for two (2) person coverage, or Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for family coverage, payment but shall not be permitted to again optout of the insurance program during the calendar year.

8. Vision: The City agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the EMPLOYEE Benefit fund Vision Plan Platinum 12 for all EMPLOYEEs and their dependents.

9. Disability: New York State Disability Insurance shall be offered to the EMPLOYEE. Page 6 of 6 Rev. 7/19/11; 1/15/13; 8/06/13; 12/17/13; 08/05/14; 09/16/14; 11/18/14; 01/19/16; 06/21/16; 08/02/16; 11/15/16; 2/21/17; 3/20/18; 5/1/18; and 6/4/19

10. Life: The City shall provide group term life insurance for the EMPLOYEE in the amount of Five Thou sand Dollars ($5,000.00) while they are employed by the City of Saratoga Springs.

11. Dental: The City agrees to provide dental plan(s), within ninety (90) days of the passage of this Resolution, which EMPLOYEEs may participate in, at the sole expense of the EMPLOYEE.

12. All increases in compensation and benefits paid to EMPLOYEEs under this resolution shall be drawn from the budget of the EMPLOYEEs department, except that if said departmental budget does not contain funds sufficient to pay the EMPLOYEE, the Head of that Department may draw any remaining compensation or payment due to the EMPLOYEE from the City's contingency budget.

13. Each EMPLOYEE shall receive longevity payments as follows:

After five (5) years of service Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00); After ten (10) years of service Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00); After fifteen (15) years of service Fifteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,550.00); After nineteen (19) years of service Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00); Each five (5) years thereafter additional Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00).

All longevity payments shall be paid upon completion of the specified amounts of consecutive eligible service regardless of the title (s) held during that time.

K. Effective January 1, 2018, and for every year thereafter effective on the first of the year, all EMPLOYEEs covered by this resolution and who have been employed with the City for the past six (6) consecutive months without interruption will receive the same increase awarded under the CSEA City Hall bargaining unit contract for that year. In the event that the last CSEA City Hall bargaining unit contract has expired, and no subsequent contract has yet been ratified, all EMPLOYEEs covered by this resolution will receive those increases awarded the CSEA City Hall bargaining unit upon ratification of a new CSEA-City Hall contract and will receive the associated retroactive pay.

L. This Resolution shall be reviewed by the City Council annually on the Commissioner of Finance's agenda, by no later than the first meeting in August of each year.

Discussion and Vote: Budget Amendment – Use of Assigned Fund Balance Knowledge Training (19-236)

Commissioner Madigan moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to approve the budget amendment – use of assigned fund balance knowledge training as previously distributed with the agenda.

Roll Call: Commissioner Franck – Aye Commissioner Madigan – Aye Commissioner Scirocco – Aye Commissioner Martin – Aye Mayor Kelly – Aye

Discussion and Vote: Budget Amendment – Payroll (19-237)

Commissioner Madigan moved and Commissioner Scriocco seconded to approve the budget amendment – payroll as previously distributed with the agenda.

Roll Call: Commissioner Franck – Aye Commissioner Madigan – Aye Commissioner Scirocco – Aye Commissioner Martin – Aye Mayor Kelly – Aye

Discussion and Vote: Budget Transfer – Contingency (19-238)

Commissioner Madigan stated the current balance in contingency prior to this transfer is $118,251.67 and $115,751.67 will remain after the transfer.

Commissioner Madigan moved and Commissioner Scirocco seconded to approve the budget transfer – contingency as previously distributed with the agenda.

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Budget Transfers – Payroll and Benefits (19-239)

Commissioner Madigan moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to approve the budget transfers – payroll and benefits as previously distributed with the agenda.

Ayes – All


Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order #5 with Aktor Corporation for Additional Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Police Department Sub-basement (19-240)

Commissioner Scirocco stated this is for the ceiling of the Police Department sub-basement.

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to authorize the mayor to sign change order #5 with Aktor Corporation in the amount of $59,607 for the additional asbestos abatement and demolition in the Police Department sub-basement.

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Change Order #6 with Aktor Corporation for Additional Asbestos Abatement and Demolition of Music Hall (19-241)

Commissioner Scirocco stated asbestos paper was found in the ceiling of the stage in the Music Hall.

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to authorize the mayor to sign change order #6 with Aktor Corporation in the amount of $123,121 for the additional asbestos abatement and demolition of the Music Hall.

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Barton & Loguidice for Continued Engineering Services of Niagara Mohawk Superfund Site at Red Spring (19-242)

Commissioner Scirocco stated Barton & Loguidice will continue oversight and engineering review services during the ongoing remediation activities at the Red Spring superfund site.

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to authorize the mayor to sign agreement with Barton & Loguidice in the amount of $10,000 for the continued engineering services of Niagara Mohawk superfund site at the Red Spring.

Ayes – All

Announcement: Week of June 3rd Paving Schedule

Commissioner Scirocco announced they are milling and paving Waterview Drive from #1 Waterview Drive to Cassidy Drive and Flying Dutchman Way from Regatta View Drive until the turn-around.

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Amrex Chemical Company, Inc. in the Amount of $15,900 for Hydrofluosilicic Acid and Sodiumsilico Fluoride Chemicals for Water Treatment Plant (19-243)

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Madigan seconded to authorize the mayor to sign agreement with Amrex Chemical Company, Inc. in the amount of $15,900 for hydrofluosilicic Acid and sodiumsilico fluoride for the water treatment plant.

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Faesy & Besthoff, LLC. In the Amount of $5,370.00 for Copper Sulfate Chemicals for the Water Treatment Plant (19-244)

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to authorize the mayor to sign agreement with Faesy & Besthoff, LLC in the amount of $5,370 for copper sulfate chemicals for the water treatment plant.

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Holland Company, Inc. in the Amount of $60,637.50 for Polyaluminum Chloride Chemicals for Water Treatment Plant (19-245)

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to authorize the mayor to sign agreement with Holland Company, Inc. in the amount of $60,637.50 for polyaluminum chloride chemicals for the water treatment plant.

Ayes – All

Discussion and Vote: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Agreement with Surpass Chemical Company, Inc. in the Amount of $57,590.00 for Sodium Hypochlorite and Orthophosphate Chemicals for Water Treatment Plant (19-246)

Commissioner Scirocco moved and Commissioner Franck seconded to authorize the mayor to sign agreement with Surpass Chemical Company, Inc. in the amount of $57,590.00 for sodium hypochlorite and orthophosphate chemicals for the water treatment plant.

Ayes - All


Announcement: Designation of Acting Chief of Police

Commissioner Martin announced that with the retirement of Chief Veitch, he has appointed Assistant Chief John Catone as acting chief of the Police Department until a permanent chief is appointed.

Announcement: Union Avenue Pedestrian Improvement Project

Commissioner Martin announced a number of pedestrian upgrades will be done at Union Avenue and Regent Street. This should make it easier for pedestrians to cross.


Matt Veitch

June 18th City Council Meeting

Supervisor Veitch reported he will not be in attendance at the June 18th meeting.

Saratoga County Landfill Local Funding

Supervisor Veitch reported the County established a landfill in the Town of Northumberland but never used it. The landfill was sold to a private company in 2012 of which the County collects a portion of the tipping fees. The County now has collected an amount that fees can now be distributed back to the municipalities.

Tara Gaston

June Schedule

Supervisor Gaston reported the schedule for June meetings is on line.

Veterans Service Agency Event

Supervisor Gaston reported the Veterans Service Agency is holding an event this Thursday at the Veteran’s Service Agency.

Year of the Senior Event

Supervisor Gaston reported the celebration will be June 26th in Congress Park.


There being no further business, Mayor Kelly adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Ribis Clerk

Approved: Vote:


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