Just counting down the days for a second request to be filled, puzzling that everyone remains silent about our HEALTH, TAXES, PROGRESS OF CORRECTING THE MANY WRONGS OF THE WATER SYSTEM....OUR WATER SYSTEM...The question remains, can we trust anything that this Village has their hands in REGARDING testing, sampling, etc. ….. history after reviewing the limited water reports on-line, tax/rate payers got bare minimum service for years..... How about the DOH? Response is due on
Just counting down the days for a second request to be filled, puzzling that everyone remains silent about our HEALTH, TAXES, PROGRESS OF CORRECTING THE MANY WRONGS OF THE WATER SYSTEM....OUR WATER SYSTEM...The question remains, can we trust anything that this Village has their hands in REGARDING testing, sampling,ETC ….. history after reviewing the limited water reports on-line, tax/rate payers got bare minimum service for years..... How about the DOH? Response is due on July 31, 2019....
The silence on the "miracle transmission line" NOT moving forward is telling, the grant for that line came quick yet has been idle ever since..... again the servants seem to be more concerned about themselves, then the safety of the people... just like the continual denial for AGENDA DOCUMENTS, this these servants like many previous, seem hell bent on hiding information, they manipulate documents, askew the truth, throw many away to cover or protect only themselves.... lets see, will Commissioner RoAnn Destito, DOH and Governor Cuomo honor the people, or protect the servants...
DOH reply/acknowledgement
Where Tradition of deceit is Preserved. While Progress is denied...
We deserve and have earned better... standing together, we can, just like Flint Michigan and Hoosick Falls NY, make changes happen... no PUBLIC SERVANTS helped the people, they people protected themselves
Well here is the answer but first, this is kind of important:
Mission, Vision, Values - New York State Department of Health
Mission: We protect, improve and promote the health, productivity and well being of all New Yorkers. Vision: New Yorkers will be the healthiest people in the world - living in communities that promote health, protected from health threats, and having access to quality, evidence-based, cost-effective health services. Values: Dedication to the public good, Innovation, Excellence, Integrity, Teamwork, Efficiency
This the same regurgitated response from my October 2018 request, which took 9 months and an appeal (which will be new blog post, researching Coog, to Appeal information and what Courts have ruled. The people must always be armed well with knowledge when dealing ALL public servants)
Once again State Officials blatantly disregard the public right to information regarding our health and safety....failure of DOH mission statement, as it appears they continue to only protect themselves and the public servants of Ilion.
until next blog regarding DOH.....