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Catherine M Macera

The Mayor in this article and in regard to water operations puts the Blame on nature, God, bad luck, " out of our Control".

It was none of these that designed, engineered, approved construction, operated and or maintained the UV and water system. These are the result of decisions made by engineers, Village Board and Water personnel, not some supernatural or " out of control" entitles or forces.

It starts by not having competent water personnel and Village Boards, the common factor in over 30 years of continued failures. Is the abandonment of number three reservoir and an act of God? out of their control? How about the disbandment and nonuse of 33% or more of their slow sand filters?

Is it supernatural forces that resulted in faulty engineering of Russell park tank, micro strainers, softeners, and other equipment. Was God present and cast a vote to change engineering designs for the wells and UV system. Unless these above are divine or supernatural entities, the answer is NO!

The Mayor just few weeks (days) in to taking office, made statements regarding poor water quality of, "we can't blame one person or administration" we must move forward. His first official step in moving forward was moving backwards, in appointing John Stephens to the Municipal Utility Board (MUB). One of those supernatural, "out of our control" entities who made and led decisions that we are feeling the consequences of today. There is plenty of blame to go around. Past administrations and individuals share some responsibility. Leonard for not holding the Engineering firm accountable, and water personnel for lack of knowledge and leadership and basic poor operations.

The only "component in the system" that the Mayor speaks worthy of discussion of failure are the many individuals, employees, engineers, and Village Boards that have let us down and failed the people.

Know, for the Mayor and moving forward, get out of the public water business as quickly as possible and allow professional services provided by the MVWA to provide clean water and top water services. The first step should be to replace the MUB chairman (Stephens) and accept water Supervisor's Morgan's retirement effective immediately.

David Murray


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