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Catherine M Macera

Lameca had no dedication, no concern of the people, no idea what advisory boards purpose is, and is very evident, with his hand picked MUB of today

There seems to be a skip in the recording, ....

Advisory bodies help plan the future of their communities. Citizen participation is considered a right and a responsibility by many civic-minded leaders throughout the country. This philosophy is reflected in many policy statements relating to the use of advisory boards.

It is the policy of the city to utilize citizen boards, commissions, committees and other groups to aid the process of effective, responsible and efficient government by: marshalling and channeling the resources of expertise and insight available in the community to complement the judgment of the council and professional staff; providing more available forums for dialog and public hearings; providing mechanisms appropriate for the ascertainment of facts and the discernment of views; and broadening the base of citizen participation in the processes of self-government

Ideally, advisory boards bring together citizen views that might not otherwise be heard. They are made up of persons of wide-ranging interests and expertise who want to participate in public service, but who may not wish to hold a public office. Participation on advisory boards may serve as a training ground or stepping stone for qualified persons who are interested in seeking public office.

More specifically advisory bodies can:

• provide assistance to the legislative body when formulating public policy and help transform policy decisions into action • address issues of interest or conduct background work on technical or politically sensitive issues • serve as a way to build public consensus on controversial issues before elected officials make a decision • give the community a forum for discussion in greater depth than is possible before a legislative body


Board Meeting Minutes for

February 3, 2014

Board Members

Brian D. Lamica – Chairman Fred Hartman – Board Member

Mike McGraw – Board Member

Call to Order –

The meeting was called to order by Village Trustee Larry Gookins – This was due to the reorganization of the Municipal Utility Board and the lack of a chairperson. Called to order at 6:35 p.m.

In Attendance –

Board member’s Fred Hartman, Mike McGraw and Brian Lamica , Village Board

Liaisons Larry Gookins and Charles Lester

New Business –

Reorganization of the Municipal Utility Board – Brian Lamica was elected by board members present to the position of Chairman

Village Trustees Gookins and Lester explained the duties of the Municipal Utility Board members the purpose of the board.


Discussion was held concerning the new wells, members were advised on the progress. It was also explained that due to the hard water it would be ineffective for the water to be treated by UV light.

Discussion was held on the issue of funding for new water lines in the village.

Discussion was held concerning village employees, Water and Light Department, take home vehicles. What the liability to the village and to the employee would be

Discussion was held and an update given on the reservoir number 2 dam as well as the condition of reservoir number 3


Trustee Lester spoke about a new load management system for the light department. Discussion was held and more information will be presented in coming weeks

Chairman Lamica asked the Trustees about the new bucket truck the light department has recently obtained. Also asked was if it is working well for the department. Trustee Lester stated that the truck has been a great asset and the guys are very happy with the vehicle.

Open Discussion –

Board members discussed with the Village Liaisons the need for an Engineer position in the village. Concern was given over the amount of money being spent for projects in the water and light departments for engineering. The engineer would have to be both a civil and electrical engineer and could also oversee both the departments.

Adjourn –

A motion was made by board member Mike McGraw to adjourn and seconded by board member Fred Hartman at 8:13p.m.

Next Meeting – 3 March 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian D. Lamcia

Municipal Utility Board


MUB Board Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2017

Meetmg called to order at 7:00 PM by Board Chairman Brian Lamica. The pledge to the flag was led by

Board Member David Strong. In attendance: Board Secretary Donald Peterson, Board Members David

Strong, Aaron Lamica. Guest - Gary Sickler (February meeting did not have the necessary quorum)

I -Minutes of last meeting were discussed with the group. A motion was made by Board Member Dave Strong to accept the minutes, Second by Board Member Aaron Lamica. All were in favor.

2- A report on saving possibilities for the street lights, the Village Board voted during a meeting last month to place an order to purchase the lights at a cost of $ 139,073. The money will come from the electric department budget. Replacing the village's street lights with LED street lights on East & West Main Streets, East and West Clark Streets and Otsego Street is almost complete.

3- The light department placed lights on a pole on the new W Main Street bridge that was recently completed. One more needs to be added on the west end. The parking lot by GPO needs another light. Numerous complaints have been received. When will the rest of the lights be installed on Barringer Road from Doty's south and on Old Forge Rd like they do on Spinnerville Gulf Road (South Ilion) as requested since the village provides the electric service in the area.

4- Energy audits of all village facilities will be done. Energy Code Enforcement Training to be offered. Dave Strong to be the liaison for this board to the group. To be eligible for the grant ftmding that is available through the program, the village would have to earn the Clean Energy Communities designation by completing four out of 10 "high-impact actions. " The village could then apply for grant nmding to support additional clean energy projects. The village is under way with four actions that would meet the requirements. Last month, the village board approved resolutions for a unified solar permit and to adopt energy policy requirements for municipal buildings. Once the village completes four requirements, it will qualify for a $2,500 starting grant and can develop a capital project. The Village Board reported that i=the process is almost complete.

5- The Village Board recently approved the purchase of new Christmas decorations. It was unclear exactly how many have been received or the exact cost. The 4 new Retro-Style road crossing style decorative strings were installed for this Christmas season.

8-A plan needs to be made and followed up on to meter all major water distribution mains. This way, a far more accurate measurement could be made to decrease the losses we are currently experiencing. It was discussed that the costs will be recovered almost immediately due to the amount of treated water wc are losing.

Board member Aaron Lamica reported that a break at the street for his service had been leaking for what was revealed to be abou a year. Metering a distribution main and subtracting paid usage

v.ill give us an area to explore for leak National Water Main Cleaning Company is located m Utica, New York National Water Main Cleaning Company, 928 Broad St, Utica, NY 13501, Company Contact: Sam Perrit @ Phone: 315-624-9520. This organization primarily operates in the Cleaning Services business / industry '"thin the Miscelaneous Repair Services sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 4 years, and recently constructed a new facility. We should be contacting them ASAP about exploring our distribution system and see what their recommendations are with the pipes in the system and see if their services would extend their life and by how much.

They should also be able to assist us with grant applications to help with their services. Senator Seward / Assemblyman Brindisi / Congresswoman Tenny should also be kept in the loop with our situation for their help. No word if this information was ever spoken about at the last Village Board Meeting.

9- A plan to provide future growth in both Electric & Water need to be established ASAP, given the fact that after a recent fire on McGowan, it was learned that the 5 inch water main feeding the area was not sufficient to provide the Ilion / Frankfort fire departments with adequate water flow to fight the fire. This needs to be brought to the attention of the Town of Frankfort Board so they are aware of our issues, since they are responsible for maintaining the lines. No word yet on if any correspondence has been exchanged between boards.

10- We need to look towards solar and wind for power sources. Programs are available, and we need to get it started soon.

I l- It was learned that National Grid is suing Oneida County Rural Telephone (a.k.a. Northland) for unsafe installation and failing to get permits to install its fiberoptic lines on its poles. Numerous locations / violations exist in this village as well. Other utilities equipment have been damaged or relocated without permission of the other utilities.

12- We need to fill the vacant MUB seats ASAP. Recent extended illness of Board Member Dave Strong and the surgeries to Board Secretary Don Peterson mandate the full compliment of members be available to serve. In speaking to the 3 (Liable, McGraw and Manion), all 3 said that their terms had expired and no longer have an interest in serving.

13- The Village Board is in favor of decommissioning the reservoir on Warren Road. Is it cheaper to repair the issues and keep it in service to allow for village expansion, or to properly close it ???

14- The Village Board needs to get a timetable on retirements. We almost had an issue with Light Dept, the Water Dept is or soon will be facing a similar issue.

The meeting was adjourned by Board Chairman Brian Lamica at 8: 16 PM, Second by Dave Strong.

The next scheduled meeting is Monday, March 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium of the Ilion Municipal Building.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donald Peterson - Secretary


MUB Board Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2017

MEEting called to order at 7:00 PM by Board Chairman Brian Lamica. The pledge to the flag was led by

Board Member David Sffong. In attendance: Board Secretary Donald Peterson, Board Members David Strong, Aaron Lamica, David Murray, Village Board Liaison Kal Socolof. Guest - Gary Sickler (February meeting did not have the necessary quorum)

I -Minutes of last meeting were discussed with the group. A motion was made by Board Member Dave Strong to accept the minutes, Second by Board Member Aaron Lamica. All were in favor.

2- A report on the street lights showed that the Light Dept Crew is making headway with the installation of the new energy efficient LED street lights. The Village Board voted during a meeting in January to purchase the lights at a cost of $139,073, replacing the village's street lights with LED street lights. With the project approaching 50% completion, cost analysis shood soon be available.

3- The light department needs a street light on a pole on W Main Street across from Weisbecker hill The parking lot by GPO needs another light. Numerous complaints have been received.

4- Energy audits of all village facilities will be done. Energy Code Enforcement Training to be offered. Dave Strong is liaison for this board to the group. He states that he has not been notified of meetings, so no report is available on the progress.

5- A plan needs to be made and followed up on to meter all major water distribution mains. This way, a far more accurate measurement could be made to decrease the losses we are currently experiencing. It was discussed that the costs will be recovered almost immediately due to the amount of treated water we are losing. Senator Seward / Congresswoman Tenny should also be kept in the loop with our situation for their help.

6- A plan to provide future growth in both Electric & Water need to be established ASAP, given the fact that after a recent fire on McGowan, it was learned that the 5 inch water main feeding the area was not sufficient to provide the Ilion / Frankfort fire departments with adequate water flow to fight the fire. This needs to be brought to the attention of the Town of Frankfort Board so they are aware of our issues, since they are responsible for maintaining the lines. No word yet on if any correspondence has been exchanged between boards.

7- We need to look towards solar and wind for power sources. Programs are available, and we need to get it started soon.

8-We still need to fill the vacant MUB seats ASAP. Recent extended illness of Board Member Dave Strong and the surgeries to Board Secretary Don Peterson and Board Chairman Brian Lamica mandate the full compliment of members be available to serve. In speaking to the 3 (Liable, McGraw and Manion), all 3 said that their terms had expired and no longer have an interest in serving.

9- The Village Board is in favor of decommissioning the reservoir on Warren Road. Is it cheaper to repair the issues and keep it in service to allow for village expansion, or to properly close it ???

10- The Lights Department will conduct an open house for the MUB at a time to be determined. Can we get the same @ the Water Dept ??

I I - The Village Board needs to get a timetable on retirements. We almost had an issue VHth Light Dept, the Water Dept is or soon will be facing a similar issue. Have any decisions been made by the Village board ?

12- Water / Electric budget talks. How are they coming ? VB borrowed from Light Funds to buy a snowplow. Can we recover the ftmds to insure emergency fluids are available ? We need a better handle on spending and a better idea on how costs compare to income.

13- Losses of water estimated at 50%. This is unacceptable. We urgently need a loss prevention program and a plan needs to be in place to get this loss under control. Somehow, we need assistance with finding the leaks. With good weather approaching, leaks should be easier to locate. Another source of revenue would to be to modify the rate schedule for services in the system. An operational review of plans needs to be implemented.

14- Who were the new hires for the Light Department??

The meeting was adjourned by Board Chairman Brian Lamica at 8:50 PM, Second by Dave Strong.

The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April I l, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium of the Ilion Municipal Building.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donald Peterson - Secreta


MUB Board Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Board Chairman Brian Lamica. The pledge to the flag was led by

Board Member David Strong. In attendance: Board Secretary Donald Peterson, Board Members David Strong, Aaron Lamica, Mayor Terry Leonard, Village Administrator James Kramas. Guest - Gary Sickler Note: Village Administrator James Kramas, will fill in as liaison if Kal Socolof cannot attend.

1-Minutes of last meeting were discussed with the group. A motion was made by Board Member Dave Strong to accept the minutes, Second by Board Member Aaron Lamica. All were in favor.

2- A report on the street lights showed that the Light Dept Crew is making headway with the installation of the new energy efficient LED street lights. With the project at 50% completion, cost analysis should soon be available.

3- The light department needs a street light on a pole on W Main Street across from Weisbecker hill The parking lot by GPO needs another light. Numerous complaints have been received. Any word from VB on this ??

4- Energy audits of all village facilities will be done. Energy Code Enforcement Training to be offered. Dave Strong is liaison for this board to the group.

5- A plan needs to be made and followed up on to meter all major water distribution mains. This way, a far more accurate measurement could be made to decrease the losses we are currently experiencing. It was discussed that the costs will be recovered almost immediately due to the amount of treated water we are losing. Senator Seward / Congresswoman Tenny should also be kept in the loop with our situation for their help. The Village board will make the contacts ASAP.

6- A plan to provide future growth in both Electric & Water need to be established ASAP.

7-Losses of water estimated at 50%. This is unacceptable. Frankfort recently conduced a successful water loss study. We need to contact the DPW there and see the practical aspects and the final results. We urgently need a loss prevention program and a plan needs to be in place to get this loss under control. Somehow, we need assistance with finding the leaks. With good weather approaching, leaks should be easier to locate. Another source of revenue would to be to modify the rate schedule for services in the system. An operational review of plans needs to be implemented. Village Administrator has contact information on a local company that does these kinds of repairs.

8-We still need to fill the vacant MUB seats ASAP. Recently, discussions were had about allowing members to the MUB from the formed districts. It would be a great way to get their input on issues, a request to the Village Board will be done before next meeting.

9- The Village Board voted in favor of keeping the reservoir on Warren Road. Is the Russell Park Tank to be included in the same study ??

10- The street light outages will be monitored by IPD, recorded and logged and the information forwarded to Light Dept Foreman.

11- The Village Board needs to get a timetable on generator installation at the reservoir so we are not in the boil water advisory mode if lines go down. Dual fuel possibilities are a requirement.

The meeting was adjourned by Board Chairman Brian Lamica at 8:50 PM, Second by Dave Strong.

The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium of the Ilion

Municipal Building.

Respectfully Submitted, Donald Peterson - Secretary


MUB Meeting - August 8, 2017

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Board Chairman Brian Lamica. The pledge to the flag was led by Board Member David Strong. In attendance: Board Secretary Donald Peterson, Board Members David Strong, David Murray, Village Board Liaison Kal Socolof, Aaron Lamica was excused, Gary Sickler - Guest.

1-Minutes of last meeting were discussed with the group. A motion was made by Board Member Dave Strong to accept the minutes, Second by Board Chairman Lamica. All were in favor.

2- A report on the streetlights showed that the Light Dept Crew is complete with the first phase of the installation of the new energy efficient LED street lights. Energy audits of all village facilities will be done. Energy Code Enforcement Training to be offered. Dave Strong is liaison for this board to the group reported that the IFD and the Municipal Bldg are both being looked at for HVAC Systems to replace the band-aided systems. Solar panels, Hydro Power ideas were discussed. NYSERDA Grant Money will not fund items that should have been maintained. Car Charging System, Lighted Stop/Yield Signs/School Zone Speed Radar Signs - All Solar Powered. Discussed Citizen Advisory Committee results to the VB.

3- The light department needs a street light on a pole on W Main Street across from Weisbecker hill The parking lot by GPO still needs another light or 2. Numerous complaints have been received. Cashier at Dollar General was concerned going home at night.

4- A plan needs to be made and followed up on to meter all major water distribution mains. The Village

Administrator was given information about a local company that lines pipes (Unsure if he has made a contact)

The Precision Group, gave an informative presentation to DigSafe NY Damage Prevention Council Meeting (Contact: Mike Ralbovsky - 518-429-1164) The rep has offered to attend our meeting to explain the benefits and also to have us or the VB/DPW visit a local work site for a demonstration. With losses of water estimated at 50% we urgently need a loss prevention program and a plan needs to be in place to get this loss under control. PIM may be able to provide the assistance we need finding and repairing the leaks all without digging. (VB/DPW/V-Admin invited to attend - none could attend)

5- A plan to provide future growth in both Electric & Water need to be established ASAP. Additional personnel need to be hired due to planned retirements in both Electric & Water Departments.

6- We were saddened at the resignation of MUB Chairman Brian Lamica. He cited family issues and difficulties for his decision. He will be sadly missed. He recommended the following changes: Current Secretary - Donald Peterson fill the MUB Chairman Position. Board Member David Strong will serve as Secretary. All members in favor We still need to fill the vacant MUB seats ASAP. Recently, discussions were had about allowing members to the MUB from the formed districts. It would be a great way to get their input on issues, a request to the Village Board was done and they stated that MUB members must reside in the village.

7- The Village Board voted in favor of keeping the reservoir on Warren Road, no word on the Russell Park Tank.

8- The street light outages will be monitored by IPD, recorded and logged and the information forwarded to Light Dept Foreman.

11- The Village Board needs to get a timetable on generator installation at the reservoir so we are not in the boil water advisory mode if lines go down. Dual fuel possibilities are a requirement. Board member David Murray informed the board that given the fact that this DOH order had been ignored by the Village Board since February of 2017, that If someone were to call DOH and tell them of the delay that the VB would be in a lot of trouble. VB Liaison Socolof stated that the grant application for this is in the works

12- Talks with Remington Arms concerning a power contract will be held soon. Details to follow.

The meeting was adjourned by Brian Lamica at 8:50 PM, Second by Dave Strong.

The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Ilion Municipal Building. Note: The meeting is on Election Primary Day. Possible Relocation to VB Room discussed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donald Peterson - Secretary


MUB Board Meeting Minutes September 12, 2017

Meeting called to order by Chairman Don Peterson at 1905 pm. The pledge was led by secretary Dave Strong. In attendance MUB chairman Don Peterson, secretary Dave Strong, board members Aaron Lamica and, Gary Sickler, also present was liaison/ Village Board Member, Kal Socolof.

1. A motion to except August minutes by secretary Dave Strong was made, 2nd by Aaron Lamica. Excepted by all.

2. Per paragraph 4 of the August Minutes a discussion of the wells, reservoir 3, and water mains. Still waiting on a status report from the VB, as far as what to do next.

3. Planning Committee is working on a [Master Plan] the last one was done in 1970. This will be helpful in the future.

4. The holding tank is still an open question on what to do with it. The MUB board is willing to help with coming up with a solution for this matter.

5. A concern about putting street lights in the parking lot of the GPO/Dollar General was raised to our attention do to the darkness of the area. There is also a question about a safety issue about the DO NOT ENTER sign from Slocum Dickson side to Dollar General side.

6. The MUB board is concerned and is willing to help were needed toward personnel retiring, and there replacements.

7. The MUB board is still wondering about the status on the closings of the 33 houses in flooded areas.

8. A motion to adjourn was made by Aaron Lamica, 2nd by Gary Sickler @ 2023pm motion carried

NOTE: Next meeting is Tuesday October 10, 2017

Respectfully Submitted,

Dave Strong - Secretary


MUB Board Meeting Minutes October 10, 2017

Meeting called to order by Chairman Don Peterson at 1912 pm. The pledge was led by secretary Dave Strong. In attendance MUB chairman Don Peterson, secretary Dave Strong, board members Aaron Lamica and, Gary Sickler, also present was liaison/ Village Board Member, Kal Socolof.

1. A motion to except September's minutes by secretary Aaron Lamica was made, 2nd by Gary Sickler . Excepted by all.

2. Per paragraph 4 of the August Minutes a discussion of the wells, reservoir 3, and water mains. Still waiting on a status report from the VB, as far as what to do next.

3. A plan to repair the sewer is under discussion by the Village board.

4. The holding tank is still an open question on what to do with it. The MUB board is willing to help with coming up with a solution for this matter.

5. Village trustee Kal Socolof gave reports on the water department, and, the electric department

6. There is discussion on the Columbia Parkway concerning the flood report. The village board is debating two different plans at this time.

7. The MUB board was given a status on the closings of the 33 houses in flooded areas. The closings have gone@and the houses should be down by the end of the month.

8. James Kranes was voted in as village delegate.

9. A discussion on school participation on government stuff was brought up and a suggestion to wait until September of 2018 was agreed upon.

10. A motion to adjourn was made by Aaron Lamica, 2nd by Gary Sickler @ 2032 pm motion carried

NOTE: Next meeting is Tuesday November 14, 2017

Respectfully Submitted,

Dave Strong - Secretary

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