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Catherine M Macera

Brian Lamica I will chime in on this myself. FOIL is to obtain information by the public as part of open government. However when some use FOIL in an effort to harass local government officials and to over state and misuse the FOIL system it only diminishes the purpose of the reason for this procedure. When instead of attending an OPEN meeting and obtaining the information by use of a FOIL request only proves the point. When an employee spends hours a week preparing FOIL requests at tax payers expense and sending them out at tax payers expense, is that good use of our tax payers money or the best use of our employees who are then unable to complete other tasks. It’s not just one request we speak of, it’s 5 or 6 requests on one FOIL request form. It’s NOT just one a month, it’s people who send in 5 or 6 of these per week. It only serves to harass local officials and employees and cost our village tax payers. This Village Board as well as those who sat before us support open government and will provide information as required by law we have that responsibility. Those who are chronic in requesting information by use of a FOIL are only doing so for self interest not for the public good. Those people have a responsibility not to abuse this system. Should we hire a clerk to only complete FOIL requests ? Partially because of these FOIL request abuses we have lost 7 Village Clerks in less than 5 years. I expect that I will see you at the next Village Board Meeting on Wednesday night, 6:00 Budget Hearing and 6:30 Meeting. Oh wait instead you will just FOIL the information.

Ilion is a great community. Stop complaining and start looking at the positive.

Stated on Ilion Community of by and for the People

It is incumbent of the agency, in this case the Village Board, to promulgate the laws of FOIL AND OML.

It is also incumbent on the agency to transparent. I have no legal obligation to show my FOILS or APPEALS. I offer these, so you can decide for yourself, the truth, as you check out the statements the board has offered on FB, yet never offer any legal standing.

It is time for change here on many levels, and it will only happen, if we all stand together and make change happen. This not a party issue, this is a rights issue, a citizens issue, here for some time, voting only brings different names, the violations stay the same.


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Thu 6/21/2018 9:40 PM

cathy macera <>

Village of Ilion Light Department <>

Please forward to ALL board members, immediately

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Catherine M Macera

12 English St.

Ilion NY 13357

Village of Ilion Board

49 Morgan St.

Ilion NY 13357

June 21, 2018

Village of Ilion Board

Please be advised, that at approximately 7:30, AM today I experienced one the most horrific exposure to noxious fumes, within my own home. An extremely load gurgling noise occurred upon investigation I discover that it was coming from our half bathroom on our first floor, immediately following that, I was overcome by noxious fumes a chlorine, raw waste and sulfur, the fumes were so overwhelming, that I experienced a burning sensation, and the horrid taste of chlorine, I had to rush to the kitchen sink to vomit. After cleaning up the 2 inches of water and sterilizing the room. I had to leave my home to seek relief of the continued exposure to the fumes. This took two hours.

As you are the party that hired the contractor to do this “sewer project”, it is your responsibility to the residents, to give proper notice of when this was to take place, as well as the company you hired. Both of you have grossly failed.

How dare you, put residents at such risk! Seniors and children should not be exposed to gaseous fumes, as they are most vulnerable. It is bad enough that many still suffer from noxious odors from the drinking water, daily, as well as a variety color from pee yellow to dirt brown, with no relief in sight.

Not one resident within this Village should have to experience, when the simplest of all solution, was to merely post a proper schedule.

I have sent on formal complaints to both the local Department of Health as well the State Department of Health.

Catherine M Macera



Mayor Elect Lamica


Sun 7/22/2018 8:34 PM

cathy macera <>

forwrd to Mayor Lamica

Village Clerk:

Please forward attached letter to Mayor Lamica.

Catherine M Macera

"Blood of the innocent shall stain your soul for all eternity"

Attached letter


Mayor Lamica and board members

I believe that the Ilion NY Community Garden group, deserve a decision regarding using the FEMA property on Second St and John St for a community garden.

This sight is perfect for a first garden, after all Second St. and that area, had been incorporated into the Herkimer Health Net walk a mile path. Fresh produce, physical fitness, community involvement, is one the greatest steps, to repairing, growing and moving forward. Steps, we need to take, to become a well in-tuned unit…. a community united with their leaders, can and will only lead to the greater good for all.

We must stop looking at all the things that could go “wrong” and concentrate on the all the things that can go RIGHT, all things that throw “roots” will lead to other avenues of growth. Yes, there could be vandalism, but that is not exclusive to any one area, also out of sight does lead to out of mind, this thought process leads to, almost a guarantee failure. Keeping this at the Second St. would also expose a positive aspect, the walking path, is close to the business district…leading to “showing “off many businesses here, that see added growth as well. The question is why stop at only one garden? Could the food bank benefit from this? Could small owned “food” business benefit from this?

Maybe creating even one item on the menu using portions of produce, naming it “Ilion breakfast sandwich, or the “Ilion pasta ala …” and onward… a ripple effect. When this happens, Ilion would now be a community, business leaders and public officials working together. Non- food business could benefit as well… we are only limited by our lack of vision…

We are faced with many untaxable units, we should make the best of it, and look at alternative ways to benefit. This Community garden can and will be the first step, a positive step, that is needed here.

I respectively request that you allow the Ilion NY Community Garden group have access to the Second St location (not excluding any requirements from the building regulations of FEMA/Village), to grow, what will be much more then produce, but a true community.


Catherine M Macera

Ilion NY


Wed 11/7/2018 7:02 AM

cathy macera <>

Freedom of Information Law Request

Records Access Officer

Re: Freedom of Information Law Request Records Access Officer:

Records Access Officer:

Under the provisions of the New York Freedom of Information Law, Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, I hereby request records

Copies of:

All resolutions passed as of June1, 2018 to November 7, 2018.

All expenditures from June 1, 2018 to November 7, 2018, including from what budget line.

Provide all advisory board meeting dates and times.

All members of each advisory board

All documentation for each member of the ZBA and each member Planning board , including when appointed, position held, and documentation of Village Law 7-712 required 4 hours of training yearly.

All minutes of any and all advisory board hearing/meetings from June 1 2018 – November 7, 2018.

All FOIL request as presented for the board to discuss/review from September 2018 to November 2018.

As all request can easily be attached to emails, this will be an acceptable format. Certify that all responses and documents are true copies.

If my request appears to be extensive or fails to reasonably describe the records, please contact me in writing at provided e-mail.

As you know, the Freedom of Information Law requires that an agency respond to a request within five business days of receipt of a request. Therefore, I would appreciate a response as soon as possible and look forward to hearing from you shortly. If for any reason any portion of my request is denied, please inform me of the reasons for the denial in writing and provide the name and address of the person or body to whom an appeal should be directed.


Catherine M Macera


Tue 12/4/2018 8:09 AM

cathy macera <>


Dear Records Access Officer:

Please email the following records :

All engineering reports conducted regarding the "Stairway " project

All completed grant applications filed regarding the "Stairway" project, including

all necessary additional documents required by the Grantee

All received paperwork for the grant from the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

All documents regarding any matching funds the Village produce

What budget line any matching funds will appropriated from

Certify all documents supplied are true copies. And confirm with reason why any that can not be provided.

If my request is too broad or does not reasonably describe the records, please contact me via email so that I may clarify my request, and when appropriate inform me of the manner in which records are filed, retrieved or generated.

If it is necessary to modify my request, address all concerns in writing via email at the above email address

If for any reason any portion of my request is denied, please inform me of the reasons for the denial in writing and provide the name, address and email address of the person or body to whom an appeal should be directed.

Catherine M Macera "Blood of the innocent shall stain your soul for all eternity"

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