Servant Lester appears on Bill Keeler show on November 11, 2019. Give a listen to Servant Lester, Keep in mind Lester worked for the Village water department, but never talks about that experience. But also he had served the MUB for 13 years, which he does brag about, he is also part of the sewer system. (which is also a costly capital project, that is sitting idle.
"Leadership is not being in charge, it is about taking care of people in your charge" -Simon Sinek
Water quality issues are not the sole possession of the communities and municipalities across the country, but rather are jointly shared by the EPA and State, Department of Health who have been and remain corrupted and compromised by political cronies, whose mission is to not protect the consumer but rather the interests of industry, government and self-preservation.
The following PDF Documents provides rules and regulations of DOH subpart 5.2 of the State sanitary code which governs operations and maintenance of public water supplies. Of note is the long-standing requirement of 0.2ppm Cl2 residual having to be present in the distribution system, has been changed to "detectable" levels. This regulation came for a variety of reasons one major that Municipalities were unable to keep and maintain and adequate residual, and the higher usage of Cl2 were determined to have greater health effects. Also, of note is in 2013 all surface water supplies were required to use UV disinfection, which made up for some but not all of the needed cl2 residual.
UV is point of contact disinfection, and does not safeguard against contaminates including Bactria, viruses etc. that grow in a compromised distribution system; thus, the detectable limits of chlorine.
Now for Mr. Lester's Keeler appearance. Mr. Lester started off with multiple attempts to minimize the problem of the recent Boil water advisory, stating that the water is perchlorinated, filtered, chlorinated again, and UV when in operation is added as a State mandate.
What Lester does not tell people is that pre chlorination (chlorination of reservoirs is not required and is discouraged) as it is ineffective and irrelevant to the final filter quality, however it can and does add the probability of greater Trihalomethane's (known carcinogens).
Filters physically remove some viruses and larger protozoa such as cryptosporidium, not all, when running properly. We have seen issues with the filters before in algae growth and non-monitoring of effluent turbidity. As for UV and the 2013 regulation, was added because of high susceptibility of surface waters to these and other contaminates and in recognition of the limitations and failures of current treatment. UV on contact kills or destroys 99.99% of bacteria, protozoa, and viruses.
Mr. Lester acknowledges limited knowledge regarding these facts and leaves these issues in the hands of the Sate DOH and water operators, while at the same time criticizing and minimizing the Sate and how they come to regulatory and operational requirements. With water employees, acknowledges they also are not up to the job of testing, operations and oversight, and have inherent difficulties both financially and practically in safeguarding public health and operations thus encouraging and ultimately promoting MVWA services.
Can't have it both ways Mr. Lester, “double talk" may sound good to other politicians and thus attempting to save face but not to the public who seek accountability and answers.
Also of note is the double talk, non-commitment, and trying to please all sides of the transmission line buys us time, we will use the wells and reservoirs for back up to MVWA, MVWA option may take 3 to 7 years if it happens at all. To pursue the many options that currently are unfolding and or proposed, is as stated in previous blogs, "throwing good money after bad."
What these "safety first" elected officials are doing is again trying to have it both ways; at the expense of public health and safety, improve the water system, but not relinquish all village presence and involvement by going completely to MVWA so as the Water revenues can continue to be a cash cow for the general fund. They will never learn.
The UV disinfection operations have and are not part of any current Capital improvements project, it will be hundreds of thousands if not millions to upgrade this system to a point that is reliable.
With proper negotiations and in doing things the right way, the village can have clean water, and a self-sustaining general fund. They are NOT on the right path to accomplish this.
Voters: see and recognize these facts, hold them to account, and put in place representatives who do not make excuses or blame outside forces, and get true meaningful results.
The UV disinfection operations have and are not part of any current Capital improvements project, it will be hundreds of thousands if not millions to upgrade this system to a point that is reliable.
Lester, continues to use a figure of $5oo or so increase in rates from bonded projects, MVWA service etc. What he is relying on however is savings from shutting down current Village water operations in which he states will continue. Double talk. please all sides, typical self-preserving elected official. He lost by a land slide before this reelection and should lose by an even greater percentage if he chooses to run. People are we so desperate as voters that we continue to recycle politicians. Definition of insanity, Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results. C'mon People!!
Here is the NY STATE DOH Regulation for supplying a BOIL WATER ADVISORY, none of which was followed by the 5 Servants.
Q15 - What does the boil water notice need to say? 10 NYCRR subpart 5-1.78
Each incident is different and will require some tailored language, but there are also specific content requirements for boil water notices
lists the content that must be in Tier 1 public notifications, including boil water notices. Water suppliers need to review this regulation for their own understanding, but generally boil water notices must include eleven information items:
• (i) description of the situation leading to the boil water notice, including area(s) affected, contaminant of concern and contaminant level (if applicable)
• (ii) date and time when the situation occurred
• (iii) potential adverse health effects, including standard health effects language (if needed) 1
• (iv) the population at risk, including vulnerable subpopulations
• (v) whether alternative water supplies should be used
• (vi) actions consumers should take, including directions for boiling water and when to seek medical help
• (vii) what the water supplier is doing to correct the situation
• (viii) when the need to boil water is expected to end 2
• (ix) phone number for the water supplier where the public can obtain additional information
• (x) phone number for the local Health Department
• (xi) statement in notices (if distributed by mail or direct delivery) asking recipients to further distribute the notice to other persons served
o 1 Under item (iii), standard health effects language is required if the boil water notice was caused by an exceedance of a maximum contaminant level, a treatment technique violation or involved violation of a condition of a variance or exemption. Standard health effects language is available from the State through your local Heath Department.
o 2 Care is needed not to mislead the public with an unrealistic estimate of when the boil water notice is expected to be lifted. For the initial notice, consider saying that the boil water notice may be in effect XX days/hours or more and that additional notification will be provided when it is again safe to drink the water.
Wow, A board who is concerned about accountability and getting proper information to the people , remarkable. Good discussion on corrosion control/ lead abatement. Bonding is becoming increasing more difficult and regulated even more reason to prepare through budgets and rates and have a CIP( Capital improvement program). Filters may have to be offered and a data base of lead services be made available.
Utica awarded lead service grant money of $600,000.this is in addition to what MVWA might do.
Go get familiar with the group that will finally allow the people of Ilion to have safe, potable water, with well educate properly and trained with expertise. That is well over due for the citizens here in Ilion