Now that the public has access to the PDF’s, after being denied for some time, we can study and refer to just what Barton & Loguidice discovered during their study.
Most apparent is complete failure of Operations and Maintenance. Along with the fact that the UV filtration has essentially failed from the start.
The $4 million transmission line is necessary due to poor plans, poor operations & maintenance and shortcuts.
(July 9, 2018 hearing)
“One of the problems we can take care of easily is putting down corrosion control chemicals in the water and hold it inside of the tank. That means any lead services in the system are going to be coated or attempted to be leached. That is something we do now and something we want to continue to do. The problem is we having this mixing of water and that chemistry all wrong.”
No corrosion control that could be effective since the onset of the project clearly has happened.
"It’s two separate projects but all together they create what’s called an improvement program. We will talk about cost comparisons and the next steps we need to take.
Chis Lawton walk the public through some of the history and background of the water system. The water system is pushing 150 years, so old filters, now storage, sand filters, clear well, but all this is property.
So, in terms of a project to do a new treatment plant or upgrade a treatment plant. We have the property, but it really comes down to cost and what is it going to be compared to other options. Barton & Loguidice did some tracking for the Village a year ago when all the complaints were going on last summer. Some of the causes are that the wells have iron, that adds to it, it has magnesium, that adds to it. It gets into your hot water heater. The iron bacteria can grow in that hot water heater. So, the system can be flushed but if you don’t flush your hot water heater, you’re not going to get rid of things.
We are looking at the newer age rapid filtration systems with probably a lot of chemistry upgrading to try to get some of the hardness out before we filter it, and then we would send it down as more of a softer water that would be a little easier on the end users.
There I valve replacement, which is an up in the air cost, because we don’t have a good handle for what the Village has for records from the past. There is upwards of 375 of them, but about fifty percent of them are really operating. So, assuming they work, that would be fifty percent to possibly replace to get good operations through the system. This will help with flushing. The flushing programs are done in the Fall and Spring."
Again, it is evident, the UV filtration has failed and servants of the people that allowed these issues from the start, as well as those , that have not sought to correct this issue, but rather selected to remain silent, with no second thought of our heath or safety.
Read on below …
A couple of things of note regarding these minutes. Notice the detail that normally is not present in minutes.
I believe this is the case because Mc Donald did not feel comfortable with a lot of decisions and modifications made to original design, scope, and engineering of project. Please note also that a vote to reinstate my self back on the Utility Board took place after being removed by Stephens in 2013 for political reasons. I challenged him for County legislator District 6 lost by 12 votes.
I was on the MUB and made recommendations to the VB Stephens administration regarding the use of USDA funds, most of my recommendations were modified and not followed resulting in the numerous problems we have today with well, uv etc. These were changed by water personnel recommendations of convenience and lack of knowledge; as well as by a VB with the same and more interested in cutting costs than doing things right. This is the big secret they do not want the people to know. they did not follow MUB and engineering recommendations and are personally responsible for the results. USDA and DOH should have never excepted the modified design as well.
The UV did not work because of the issues foretold and mentioned by Mc Donald. resulting in numerous boil water advisories. Supposedly fixes have been made, but I am not aware of the specific modifications. Location has not been changed, water chemistry as well. The only improvement perhaps is a better understanding by personnel on the proper operations and maintenance of the UV system. With the Hard, discolored water, bulbs would have to be cleaned and replaced on a very frequent basis. UV was a new DOH regulation taking effect in October of 2013, Filtering still occurred as well as post chlorination to assure disinfection and removal of harmful particles. The village was technically health risk during these times of malfunction, thus the advisories.
When they refer to under budget they are referring to the proposed costs by Mc Donald, not necessarily what was available in annual budgets. 2.1 million was the costs of the wells, and EC compliance for #2 reservoir dam, with UV as well. At no time did any water budget as far as I can remember have the capacity to expense these large of funds on capital projects, thus the Bonding. These projects I would like to remind you were the result of DOH/ DEC mandate compliance and absolutely necessary. The problem were the implementation and changes made by Stephens and friends.( Lester). a Few months later Stephens left an un filled Mayor term to become Legislator, see his loyalty.
We are currently led and making decisions by a group who are motivated to (CYA) cover their assess. As Mr. Lamica stated the vB will not look back and lay blame, of course not it falls on them, and begs the question why Stephens is chairman, and how they hell did they get elected!
David Murray (guest)
( In part)
Village of Ilion
Village Special Meeting
July 31, 2014
Mayor Leonard called the special meeting to order at 6:31 PM at the Village of Ilion Municipal Building Board Room.
“One of the problems we can take care of easily is putting down corrosion control chemicals in the water and hold it inside of the tank. That means any lead services in the system are going to be coated or attempted to be leached. That is something we do now and something we want to continue to do. The problem is we having this mixing of water and that chemistry all wrong.” No corrosion control
Also Present: Village Clerk Linda Coffin, Village Treasurer Connie Gagliardi, McDonald Engineering: Jack McDonald & Tom Bates.
Public: 4
Pledge: Pledge was said by all present
Stated the main purpose of the meeting was to hear from McDonald Engineering regarding the progress and immediate needs facing the successful completion of the Well project and the possible addition of Ultraviolet water treatment system.
McDonald Engineering: Engineers Tom Bates & Jack McDonald provided background information regarding the working relationship that the Village has had with the firm. Starting in about 2003 to complete gatehouse work, 2008 the firm contacted regarding problems with filters
5 & 6 and then working with the Village on the consent order from DEC in 2008 regarding Dam # 2. The Village contracted with firm to design and oversee the work on the dam and the replacement of the filters after the Village secured funding through the USDA. In 2009 the firm was contacted by the Village to see if there could be a way to find a groundwater source to take the place of the replacement of the filters. Various sites were researched and tested. The West Clark Street site offered the best flow and the project to install the well at this site was approved and began. He reviewed some of the work and in specific information regarding the sewer piping at the location.
Water Treatment: In regards to the needed treatment on surface water, in 2008 DOH set forth a Long Term 2 Surface Water Treatment Rule ( LT2) to which the Village of Ilion responded on May 2, 2008. The Village at that time indicated it was opting out of the LTP source water monitoring and would provide maximum treatment. This would be treatment for Cryptosporidium. The ruling stated that everyone would need to be in compliance by the end of September 2015. This treatment could be accomplished through UV light dosage. The DOH as well had indicated that something more than the chlorination process was needed here in Ilion. He stated however that the Village of Ilion surface source is very hard and thus may affect the ability of treatment with UV light. Tom Bates added that the idea of treatment was originally a part of the proposal to the USDA . Tom relayed to the board members that he felt that the long term funding of this is eligible under the present USDA project and are currently gathering the documentation, reports and USDA plans/reports/spec reviews to confirm. At the current time the work that has been accomplished under the USDA project has come in under budget and there is a good contingency fund available that this could be taken from. Regardless of whether this is eligible for the USDA funding or not, it is a requirement that must be met. Tentative cost amounts for the project were mentioned of between $300,000 and $500,000
Proposal: The firm would agree to: make a determination if the UV treatment will work properly; if there is adequate space for the UV equipment and the time needed to get this into operations, make contact with DOH to confirm requirements, determine if the hardness of the water supply will be a problem, provide an estimate on construction expenses if necessary after determining what equipment can be used, will perform a comparative evaluation of other technologies vs. the UV treatment, complete site survey& measurements for UV equipment, draft plans & specs, provide quotes to Village & USDA, once approved by USDA prepare all bid packages as needed, and once bids awarded etc. will provide construction phase services consisting of site inspections, submit the reviews to the Village Board and USDA, review pay requests and provide contact with the USDA. The proposal for completion of these services is for an amount not to exceed $39,500.00. If this was approved the firm would prepare amendment #3 to their existing contract. All would need to be submitted to USDA for approval as well.
MOTION made by Trustee Hartmann and seconded by Deputy Mayor Moore to approve and accept the proposal from McDonald Engineering for researching the use of and set-up for UV treatment on the surface sources of water for the Village of Ilion as outlined in that proposal for an amount not to exceed $39,500. Motion passes the result of the following vote:
Mayor Terry Leonard X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Deputy Mayor Joanne Moore X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Trustee Kalman Socolof Aye Nay X Absent Abstain
Trustee Fred Hartmann X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Trustee Bridget McKinley X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Mayor Leonard thanked everyone who has been diligently working on the water projects. There has been a great deal of work on all sides that has been involved in these projects. He thanked McDonald Engineering for being present this evening, and for their efforts on behalf of the Village.
MUB: MOTION made by Deputy Mayor Moore and seconded by Trustee Hartmann to appoint David Murray to an un-expired term on the Municipal Utilities Board ending on
Mayor Terry Leonard X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Deputy Mayor Joanne Moore X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Trustee Kalman Socolof Aye Nay X Absent Abstain
Trustee Fred Hartmann X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Trustee Bridget McKinley X Aye Nay Absent Abstain
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Linda Coffin
Village Clerk