" This is frustrating not only from a customer standpoint, but because it it's out of our control. When it's in our control it may be frustrating, we can try harder, were depending on someone else." Mayor Brian Lamica
1. the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.
"I sometimes feel like screaming with frustration"
exasperation · annoyance · anger · vexation · irritation · bitterness · resentment · disappointment · discouragement · disheartenment · dispiritedness · depression ·
· an event or circumstance that causes one to have a feeling of frustration.
"the inherent frustrations of assembly line work"
· the prevention of the progress, success, or fulfillment of something.
"the frustration of their wishes"
thwarting · defeat · foiling · blocking · stopping · countering · spoiling · checking · balking · circumvention · forestalling · dashing · scotching · qu
out of control
Also, out of hand. No longer under management, direction, or regulation; unmanageable or unruly. For example, Housing costs are out of control, or The children were getting out of hand again. The first term uses control in the sense of “restraint,” a usage dating from the late 1500s; the variant uses hand in the sense of “power” or “authority,” and dates from the late 1800s.
Words and choices of word are very telling and revealing of one's thinking and underlying intent, or message. Mr. Lamica used both " "frustrating" and out of control twice in one short sentence to describe his feelings and or events related to the recent Boil water advisory.
His frustration and sense of out of control are clearly evident in words, actions and recent events. He mentions the "the customers frustration "but does not elaborate , quickly speaking about Self and I. alluding to forces beyond or " out of control"; again speaking of personal emotions.
In case Mr. Lamica has forgotten he is Mayor and is expected to exhibit leadership and empathy when speaking regarding public issues. The empathy for hiself and government appears to be apparent, very little if any for the people he serves. As far as leadership, acknowledging that one feels out of their control, and or events are not in their control is never a good sign to portray to people. "Woe is me" is not the acceptable answer. Leadership requires, Control, direction, steadfastness', assurance.
1. the action of leading a group of people or an organization.
"different styles of leadership"
guidance · direction · authority · control · management · superintendence · supervision · organization · government · orchestration · initiative · influence
As we can see leadership is an "action". An action involving a group of people, nowhere does one see in the definition of Frustration, I or emphasis on I, but rather emphasis on the people. We must ask, are we as residents and taxpayers witnessing leadership in years of our collective frustration and feelings of events being out of our control, or are ego's and self-promotion / preservation by elected officials and public employees, leading events?
Where is the empathy? No bottled water, pleas for patients and understanding, little to no communication and information sharing, raising of rates without better services and product. Excuse after excuse, some one else’s fault, nature, god, but definitely not the Mayor, VB or public employees.
1. pressure or tension exerted on a material object.
"the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar"
2. a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.
Are we the people going to continue to subject ourselves to the real terminology that should be used, "Stress". Not only has our health and safety been and continues to be jeopardized by past and current public officials and employees, but so also has stress been created, not by outside forces, but by those entrusted to show leadership and who have not done so. More interested in the "I" in Ilion, what's in it for me, and public service and the collective we.
2020 should be a year of vision, change, and most importantly leadership. The will and concern of the collective "we" the community must be reestablished. All this can start by the collective we, collective involvement in holding our government officials to account, our biggest voice is at election time, but not our only voice. Show up at meetings, make phone calls, write letters, and join with other like-minded citizens to address government grievances. If we cannot perform even the simplest tasks of community and citizenry then perhaps we are getting what we deserve and are destined to frustration, and instead of a village of Leadership and vision one that is Out of our Control!
David Murray