We were all made aware of chasing after the Transients and Medically ill not paying their bills, the board loves to use the media, for their twist or spin.
In, fact the media is more informative then the minutes . The problem, and what this village doesn't want, is anything kept on file, as record by FOIL AND OML. This board, the make of this board is an interesting one, except for Schoonmaker, they all have a PAST in this Village, including many appointed to advisory boards.
This Village for years had issues of Electric non payments. But under NYS laws, the help has been there, problem… the officials fail to follow procedure. We the tax payers suffer for these, incompetent servants. They thump their chests to the public, "we are doing this for you" "look at me I am the hero, I am saving this village", they even love to drop names, Assembly Miller
So very sad, especially, when the Village stalks my FB page, the answers were provided, in LAW.
But when you read the law, the Village itself violates law. They fail to have a liaison from the Electric Dept. to the Department of Social Services, they also appear not to maintain records of the Dr. confirmation of the necessity for such medical equipment..... one would hope, a treasurer would have some knowledge of these laws, but certainly the Attorney for the Village would.
Why does the Board insist on deceiving the public? Why not protect the public, the whole public, which includes those less fortunate?
• Electric Foreman Todd Smithson addressed the issue of several customers not paying for electric service. He cited this was due to having lifesaving equipment in use, therefore he is unable to disconnect service. The Electric Department will be checking with other communities that have municipal power, concerning procedures in reference to nonpayment with residents that have medically necessary equipment. 2/27/19 minutes
March 4 2019 Times Telegram
"Mayor Brian Lamica said he would contact Assembly Miler to inquire about what can be done. He also suggested meeting with other local municipalities to discuss the possibility of sharing lists of transients who move from one community to the next, leaving behind unpaid electric bills."
Why would not turn the Village Attorney for such a thing? Only actual laws can help. Just more fluff, that resulted in another failure to follow procedure. The laws were place on the FB page, still they fail.
Still looking for help: page 2 of April MUB minutes
DM Lester: "informed the MUB that there is currently an issue with non-payment of electric bills by ratepayers that use medical equipment. The Village is currently looking for a solution"
Here is what MUB representatives think:
"Respectfully submitted
and what course of action to take as it looks the people can not have the power turned off"
John P. Stephens
“Poor planning on your part doesn’t constitute an emergency on mine!”