Blind Ambition can be defined as a strong desire which prevents people from seeing what is happening around them. Throughout history, kings, politicians, dictators, and heads of major corporations have all had strong inclinations that have clouded their good judgements to a point where the crossed the line between good and evil.
The line has been crossed, time to review just where we are financially. We will survive the politico of this term of servants. Less and less information is presented to the public, minutes are a joke, executive session violations, tit for tat discussions of blame placing regarding police over time. Frankly Bravo for Chief for defending his stance, CERTAINLY made servant moore step off. Sorry mayor, moore….this is not on Chief, No you fail your duties.... one would think that the servants would learn as the go forward in their servitude to the people, but they must serve the people, not themselves ...
Section 4-400 Mayor
Village (VIL)
a. To preside at the meetings of the board of trustees, and may have a vote upon all matters and questions coming before the board and he shall vote in case of a tie, however on all matters and questions, he shall vote only in his capacity as mayor of the village and his vote shall be considered as one vote;
b. to provide for the enforcement of all laws, local laws, rules and regulations and to cause all violations thereof to be prosecuted;
c. (i) to appoint all department and non-elected officers and employees subject to the approval of the board of trustees however, the mayor may delegate the power to appoint certain employees to other village officers or employees;
(ii) to appoint the clerk of the court of the village, if the village has a court, only upon the advice and consent of the village justice or justices notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph.
d. to institute, at the direction of the board of trustees, all civil actions in the corporate name of the village;
e. to exercise supervision over the conduct of the police and other subordinate officers of the village;
f. to intervene in any and all actions, at the direction of the board of trustees, where deemed necessary to protect the rights of the village and its inhabitants;
g. to serve as an ex-officio member of each separate board of commissioners;
h. to appoint one of the trustees as deputy mayor at the annual meeting, who, during the absence or inability of the mayor, is vested with all the powers and may perform all the duties of the mayor;
i. to execute all contracts in the name of the village;
j. to sign orders to pay claims with the village clerk or deputy village clerk when authorized by the board of trustees when the same individual serves as both clerk and treasurer or deputy clerk and deputy treasurer;
k. to sign checks in the absence or inability of the treasurer or deputy treasurer, if any, when authorized by the board of trustees by resolution, or local law, and a certified copy of such resolution or local law shall be notice to the depository of such authorization;
l. to cause all claims to be thoroughly investigated and for such purpose he shall have the power to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of the claimant or any other person or persons to appear, to be sworn or affirmed and to testify before him or the village clerk or the village counsel relative to such claim, and when so sworn or affirmed to answer as to any facts relative to the justness of such claim. The result of such examination shall be reported to the board of trustees. Subpoenas issued pursuant to this section may be served at any place within the state of New York in the same manner in which subpoenas issued out of the supreme court are served. This subsection shall not be applicable to claims which are included within the provisions of section fifty-h of the general municipal law.
m. to issue all licenses and for such purpose shall be the "licensing officer" unless he designates another village officer which designation shall be filed with the village clerk.
2. If the mayor and deputy mayor are both absent or unable to perform the duties of the office, the trustees shall appoint one of their number to act as deputy mayor during the absence or inability of the mayor and deputy mayor appointed by him.
Board Meeting
(Dec. 13, 2018)
The next Village Board Meeting will be November 20, 2019 at 6:30pm in the Board Room, 2nd floor of the Municipal Building.
We know no agenda items or supporting documentation will be provided before this meeting in accordance with OML.
We can only guess as citizens as to what public policies are going to be discussed and find out after the fact. A perfect modus operandi of keeping the people uninformed and not involved.
Perhaps the people should start driving the agenda; here are a few items that need discussion and attention.
1.What is the status of talks with the Police Chief on overtime costs?
2.When are budget meetings/ discussions to be held?
a. current debt
b. current property tax status percentage of NYS property tax cap.
c. policy on chronic and continued interdepartmental transfers
3.What are the status of various capital improvement projects?
A. water infrastructure
1. 3 million for MVWA study, engineering design of multi municipal service.
2. $17.2 million distribution improvements
3. $3 million water (wells to treatment plant) transmission line ****
4. UV status (what went wrong, improvements, etc)
5. Proposed water rates to pay for all of this bonding/ loans.
6. $350,000-dollar DOH loan for reservoir intake study
7. Lead and Copper (corrosion control compliance)
B. 10.1 million sewer project (bonding in Early 2018)
C. $100, 000 stairs grant
D. $3.5 million Stream bank improvement grant/ work
4. Status of Electric Dept., budget capital improvement needs.
5. Status update on Duofold redevelopment
a. Why no active planning board.
6. Status on grant application for Village Comprehensive plan.
7. Village plan/ strategy(proactive) regarding Remington Arms.
8. Any talks, progress on shared services, consolidation, dissolution of Village.
9. Updating website, more informative and interactive
10. Vision for the future
This was the time that the Village started the yearly , steady climb to be putting the Village in danger today, of In violation of the Consititutional Tax limit, while we face millions of bonds, % interest loans to pay....
We must not forget the recent consern expressed by servants....
The UV system, that was also very much part stephens term, with the $5.1 million dollar USDA project, one of which was the UV System that , we presently facing another loan payment, What more shall the people have to carry?
Blind ambition … needs to be held accountable